Starbucks is suffering from the challenge of many other coffee brand and special small cafes. Through the analysis of Starbucks marketing strategy, this thesis tries to find out weaknesses in the competition and improve it to make sure that the huge flow of passengers, increase in profits, provide the conditions for the further development of Starbucks in Xuzhou. This is the research significance of this thesis.

1.2 Literature review

  Zhang Ye (2008) proposed that the core competence of Starbucks comes from the culture and values of the company: show their best, and bring the best to others, coffee is just one of the carriers. To Starbucks, the brand is merely an explicit extension of its value and culture, it most leverages on people to concrete and convey such value and culture. Out of this principle, Starbucks established an inimitable corporate governance system which included a set of uniquely designed organizational structure, human resources management, and control pattern.

  Xiong Juan (2011) briefly Introduce the company background and marketing model. In the brand positioning, create customer value, enhance the brand value through the following efforts. First, in terms of product quality, from the selection of raw materials to processing and then to provide customers with the whole process, Starbucks is trying to achieve the perfect. Second, in terms of product features, Starbucks’ delicious coffee, comfortable environment and freshly made coffee. Third, in terms of product design, the design and style of the shop is also very unique. From Starbucks' product quality, product features, product design, service level, the company is closely around its brand positioning to develop the overall strategy.

  Liu Yazhuo (2015) focuses on the development of domestic industries and store of Coffee of Changchun City, Coffee industry and development status and the status of the development of Coffee shop business, and the supply and demand of Changchun Coffee shop market, in the vicinity of the district Coffee Changchun store consumers as the research object, carries on the investigation to the consumer behavior, different consumer psychology, to understand the target population and the target market by issuing questionnaires, statistical analysis of the survey results, according to consumer psychology and behavior theory, market survey theory, marketing strategy theory, according to the survey of the main shopping district of the Coffee store results of its target market, to develop a series of target market marketing strategy. 来*自-优=尔,论:文+网

  Shou Guofei(2015) shows domestic coffee industry has rapidly developed under the rapid development of economy, how Starbucks survive in this market environment that full of opportunities and challenges, now Starbucks have to face the problem: a gap between the actual value of the service and the customer's expectation. Starbucks just pursue economic benefits, product and service are lacking of innovation, competitiveness is reducing, actual service performance is poor. Starbucks in China is not develop the need of localization issues, and it must improve the measures of marketing services: pay more attention to the professional training of enterprise staff, overall quality of the staff, product innovation and brand efficiency, suspend the rapid expansion of stores.

















