Since mass media play a vital role in disseminating information and shaping public opinions, it is essential that media neologism should be translated in clear and accurate ways so as to set up a solid and direct bridge between peoples speaking different languages so as to remove the language barriers。 

1。2 Definition of Neologism

The term “neologism” originates from Greek: the letters “neos” means “new” and “logos” means “word”。 Thus, a neologism is, literally, a new word。 

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (the forth edition) (2002), “neologism” can be defined as “newly-invented word”。 While in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (2006), a “neologism” is “a new word or expression, or a new meaning for an old word”。 

In linguistics, a neologism is a recently-coined word, or the act of inventing a word or phrase。 Additionally, it can imply the use of old words in a new sense such as giving new meanings to existing words or phrase。 They are especially useful in identifying inventions, new phenomena, or old ideas that have taken on new cultural contexts。

Many linguists has made contribution to the definition of neologism。 Plag (2003) points out that “neologism should be used to describe new things and concepts, to express one’s attitudes, or to provide varieties”。 From the point of Zhang (2001), “neologism is mainly formed by means of coinage, old words with new senses, borrowing of dialects, loanwords from foreign languages, revival of ‘dead’ words, and affixation”。 In Kang’s opinion (2003), “Neologisms are the words that are produced in various way and own new forms, new meanings or new usages which the basic words don’t have”。 Peter Newmark (2005) proposes a comparatively general and precise definition: “neologism can be defined as newly coined lexical units or existing lexical units that acquire new sense”。 Therefore, the author will take this definition in this paper。文献综述

To make this article more precise and the analysis more practical, the target of research will be defined as follows:

1) Since neologism is a concept of wide range, the author confines the neologism as the new words appears in the mainstream newspapers and periodicals such as BBC, CNN, VOA, etc, and major social media such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube 。

2) Taking neologism’s instability and timeliness into consideration, the examples the author used in this paper must be within the scope of the new entries in the Oxford Dictionary of English。 

3) To maintain the feature of timeliness the author selects the words added to this authoritative dictionary from the year 2010。

1。3 Purpose of the Study

The results of translation research on media neologisms that can be used as reference is not much nowadays, and the theoretical perspective of previous research mainly includes Communication and Cross-cultural Communication, Functional Equivalence, Skopos Theory, Schema Theory and Relevance Theory, Practical Translation Theory, and Cultural Translation Theory, Register Theory, etc。; while few note the potential function of Schema Theory in the research of English Media Neologism。 In fact, Schema Theory could be a good way to explore the thinking process of the translation activity because it takes the background knowledge of both translators’ and readers’ in the process of translation into consideration。

Therefore, utilizing the strong explanatory power of Schema Theory to analyze the translation of media neologisms comprehensively from a new perspective, the author expects to make contribution to the promotion of Chinese culture through enriching it with exotic culture in neologisms, as well as the effective achievement of cross-cultural communication。 Also, the author expects to do some basic research for the teaching and research on English neologisms。

















