Abstract With the improving importance of English, traditional teaching method can not fit the trend of the times。 The teaching contents of English in most school are boring and are full of vapidity due to exam-oriented education。 However, primary school is the critical period to lay foundation for English study, it is important to attract their attention in class so as to cultivate their interest in learning English。 The new curriculum reform carried out in 2012 has brought substantial change to English books, the adding of English songs in primary school English books is one of it, from which we can see the importance of English songs in primary school English teaching。 What’s more, the majority of primary school students are fond of singing, applying English songs which are simple and classical into class caters to their taste。 But a plenty of teachers regard applying English songs within limited class time as a waste of time。 In order to change their traditional thoughts, this paper will combine teaching aims after the new curriculum reform and the function of English songs in primary school, focusing on designing more effective ways to use English songs in class。73178

Keywords: new curriculum reform; primary-school English teaching; English songs

摘要 英语越来越重要,传统的教育方式已经不能适应时代的潮流。因为应试教育,大多数学校的教学内容枯燥乏味。而小学是打下学习英语基础的关键时期,课堂上吸引学生的注意来培养他们学习英语的兴趣很重要。2012年新课改给小学英语教材带来了很多变化,英文歌曲的增多就是其中之一。从中我们可以看出英文歌曲在小学英语教学中的重要性。此外,我们都知道小学生热爱唱歌,运用简单经典的英文歌曲恰好迎合了他们的兴趣。但是很多教师认为在有限的课堂中教授歌曲是浪费时间。因此本文将结合新课改后的教学目标和英文歌曲的作用,改变传统教师的想法,着重设计更多运用英文歌曲的有效方法。



1。 Introduction。1

2。 Literature Review。。2

2。1 The New Curriculum reform。。2

2。2 Related research。2

3。 The aim of English teaching in primary school。。3

3。1 Language skill。。。3

3。2 Language knowledge 。。4

3。3 Emotion and attitude5

3。4 Fundamental learning strategy。。5

4。 The function of learning English songs。6

4。1 Cultivating the interests in learning English。。。。6

4。2 Increasing Students’ Overall Quality7

5。 The design of ways to use English songs 7

5。1 Listening and imitating。。8

5。2 Listening and punctuating。9

5。3 listening and gap filling。9

5。4 Adaption and singing10

5。5 Creation and innovation。。11

5。6 Competition12

6。 Conclusion。。。。。13

Works Cited14

1。 Introduction 

     With the increasing popularity of English, more and more people attach importance to it。 However, we find that a plenty of primary school students show little interest to the English study。 They are absent-minded in class and have no chance to speak English after school。 As a result, it is difficult for Chinese teachers to teach English within the limit time in class。 Therefore, teachers should take serious consideration of how to reform the traditional model in English teaching and how to stimulate students’ interest in English。 Besides, a large amount of students can only write English and some of them are able to achieve high marks in tests, but when dealing with speaking or communicating, they are still of tongue。 We all know that having a command of a language paves the way for communicating。 If we can not speak it out, the learning makes no sense。论文网

















