Abstract Grammar is a framework and the absolutely necessary building blocks of language。 For a long time, there have been widely differing opinions in the field of education about the status of English grammar in English teaching。 Whether grammar teaching is necessary or not is a controversial issue。 This thesis finds that grammar teaching takes an important place by reviewing a variety of language teaching methods。 “Great Grammar Debate” makes the status of grammar reestablished in English teaching in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and other countries。 The survey we conducted on Chinese middle school students indicates that Chinese students have a strong belief in the important role of English grammar。 Grammar teaching has been the substantial part of English teaching in middle schools for a long time。 73197

Keywords: Grammar Instruction; Middle School Students; Importance of    Grammar Instruction




1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review2

2。1 The origin of the English grammar2

2。2 The definitions of grammar。。。。2

2。3 The characteristics of grammar。。。。。。。3

3。 Review of the role of Grammar in Language Teaching 。。。4

3。1 Grammar in the Grammar-Translation Method。5

3。2 Grammar in the Situational Language Teaching 。。。。。。。。5

3。3 Grammar in the Audiolingual Method。。。6

3。4 Grammar in the Communicative Language Teaching Method。。6

4。 The Debates of Teaching Grammar。7

5。 The Importance of Grammar。。8

6。 Students’ Attitudes towards the Study of Grammar9

7。 Conclusion。。12

Works Cited。。。14

1。 Introduction 

We overview the history of grammar instruction and find that grammar has always been playing a role in foreign language teaching and learning。 As the result of recognition of importance of grammar, grammar teaching takes an important place by reviewing different language teaching methods。 Of the methods applied in the foreign language teaching, such as the Grammar-Translation Method, the Situational Language Teaching, the Audiolingual Method and the Communicative Language Teaching Method, grammar is considered as an integral part of language teaching。 This may be one of the reasons leading to the debates of teaching grammar。 The debates result in fresh cognition of grammar: it is very important in that not only does it help improve learners writing, but also it helps learners do better in reading comprehension; more significantly, the problem of how to teach grammar effectively has been raised。 “Great Grammar Debate’’ makes the status of grammar reestablished in English teaching in the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia and other countries。 Is grammar teaching necessary or not? In response to this question, the author re-recognizes the place of grammar instruction and wants to get the result by doing a survey。 From the survey which conducted on Chinese middle school students, the author finds that most students share the same view of the essential role of grammar in their language learning。 Grammar instruction is necessary in English teaching, and we should attach enough importance on it。文献综述

















