
    2.1.2 Translation of Capitals
    The information content of economic news is very big with very fast and no-stopping renewal. This characteristic attributes the concise language style to economic news. It is undeniable that countries’ name will be marked hundred of times in news especially in economic news. In most circumstances, country’s name always stands for its Government. Sometimes even a name of a famous city also could stand for the country’s Government. When it comes to translating some names of countries, we use metonymy to translate. For example:

    After a decade in which Washington ran up the country’s credit card, we’ve got to find more savings to get out of the red.” He said. The Chinese version is: 他说:“在过去的十年里,美国欠下了巨额的外债,我们不得不找到更多的储蓄资金来摆脱财政赤字。”(Net.1)

    In this example, we can see the writer use Washington to stand the American Government. For one reason is to avoid the repetition of “the country” in later part of this sentence. For another reason is that the word “Washington” means the Washington city; if we translate it to “华盛顿”in Chinese that means the city got into debt but not the country. So it will against with the initial purpose of translation, and it will also against with the accurate feature of news.

    In other example: Moreover, the EU will, once more, express regret over Russia's withdrawal from the Energy Charter Treaty and insist that the basic principles of this treaty (which has been signed but never ratified by Moscow) be enshrined in the energy chapter of the new PCA that the EU and Russia are negotiating. (The Stanford Post, Nov 19th, 2009) The Chinese version is: 另外,欧盟将再次对俄罗斯退出《能源宪章条约》(俄罗斯参与过拟定但从未执行)表示遗憾,并坚持将这项条约中的基本原则记载到新PCA的能源宪章中,新能源宪章由欧盟和俄罗斯共同协商而成。

    In this news, depending on the context we can know that the European Union expressed regret for Russia's exit from Energy Charter Treaty, and then it is natural to have said Russia's participation in the treaty is enacted. It is impossible for Moscow to formulating a treaty with EU. So we use Russia instead of Moscow, so even allow readers to understand the information expressed in news, is conducive to the transfer of information.

    2.1.3 Transforming Approach
    When it comes to the translation of a dynamic sense of nouns, if taken literal approach without changing its part of speech, it is bound to lead a stiff and difficult translation version. That can not truly convey the original message. Therefore, we can take the transforming method under the guidance of Skopos rule to achieve information conversion. For example:

    a. A poll conducted for the BBC World Service in March found rising concern about the eastward shift in economic power. The Chinese version is:三月份,由BBC世界新闻部进行的一次民意调查发现,人们日益担心经济重心东移这一问题。(The Economist, Jun 30th, 2011)

    b. A ride in a London taxi from Canary Wharf to the Bank of England sounds like an inimitably British experience. Chinese version is: 从金丝雀码头(伦敦重要的金融区)乘坐出租车到英格兰银行,这听起来就像是在英国的一次独特的经历。(Net.3)

    In this two sentences, “concern” and “ride” are used as a noun in original text. If translating them literally, Chinese readers might be able to understand the meaning, but it will against with the rule of coherence. However, after converting the nouns to verbs, translations became smoother and more in line with the Chinese people's habits of expression.

    2.2 The Application of Coherence Rule
    Coherence rule is to focus on the intra-textural coherence. It means the target texts must be comprehensible to receivers in target language culture and the communicative situation in which the target texts is to be used. In other words, the target text must be sufficiently coherent to allow the intended users to comprehend it, given their assumed background knowledge and situational circumstances. Being coherent could improve the readability of news. Then readers could accept new information smoothly.
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