3。 Introduction to Affective Filter Hypothesis
3。1 Definition of Affective Filter Hypothesis文献综述
Nowadays, the role of affective factors in foreign language acquisition has aroused much attention among teachers and experts。 When we study the function of affective factors, it is certain that we will mention the Affective Filter Hypothesis。 However, not everyone can understand this term thoroughly。 Thus, in the beginning, it’s necessary for us to know about the definition of the Affective Filter Hypothesis。
The concept of affective filter was proposed by Dulay and Burt in 1977, aiming to explain how the affective factors influence the foreign language learning process。 They defined the affective filter as “an internal processing system, which subconsciously prevents learners from absorbing language due to the effect of what psychologists called ‘affective factors’。” (Dulay, Burt and Krashen 4) Based on this concept, Krashen put forward the famous Affective Filter Hypothesis。 It shows us the phenomenon where the outcome of language learning is different from person to person is mainly caused by learners’ affective factors, for that affects have a filtering effect on language input, which function as a barrier to control the amount of learners’ contact and absorption of the input materials。 (Krashen 7)
From what mentioned above, it can be concluded that the Affective Filter Hypothesis is a psychological concept。 It associates psychology with education in order to investigate the impact of affect on one’s learning outcome。
3。2 Principle of Affective Filter Hypothesis
Krashen thinks learners’ emotional state or attitude, such as motivation, confidence and anxiety can affect the necessary input of acquisition。 “Only through the function of affective filter can language input turn into language intake。” (Krashen 21) During the process of language acquisition, if the function of affective filter is too strong, the language input will be blocked in the brain, that is to say be filtered out, thus, the learners will be prevented from entering the complete Language Acquisition Device。 On the contrary, if the function of affective filter is very weak, language input will turn into language intake to a maximum extent。 Then, learners can smoothly enter the Language Acquisition Device to acquire the language competence。 This principle can be expressed in the following operation:来*自~优|尔^论:文+网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766*
Affective Filter
Input→│┄→Language acquisition device →Acquired language competence
Operation of the “Affective Filter”
(Krashen 32)
Krashen also pointed out that “only when the input is comprehensible can the acquisition goes on smoothly, for that only comprehensible input can be transformed by learners’ brain devices, and at last be absorbed as learners’ own knowledge。” (Krashen 23) So, as is shown to us, this thesis will take the principle above as the basis, mainly to analyze the importance of different affective factors in English listening comprehension, and explore some enlightenment on it。