2。3。3 Cooperative learning in pair

2。3。4 The cooperative mutual test in pair

2。3。5 Cooperative aid for poor students in pair

2。4 The significance and effect of pair work

Chapter Three Significance and value of this topic

3。1 Theoretical significance

3。2 Application value

Chapter Four Problems and solutions when performing pair work

Chapter Five Conclusion of this topic 12

References 13

The Application of Pair Work in Primary School English Teaching

Chapter One Background of pair work

1。1 The history of pair work

Ancient Rome Quintilian emphasizes in his book “Learning together can encourage each other and promote studying”。 Comenius in his book Didactica Magna states that how to cope with a large number of students。 He pides 10 students into a group in a class, every group is managed by a student in turn, this student is managed by a higher level student。 American educator Parker specially attaches importance to children status in the educational process。 He proposes that children study by mutual communication in cooperative and democratic atmosphere。 In 1979, American educator Johnson writes for the cooperative learning, pair work is more effective to master, keep and migrate concept comparing with class competitive learning and inpidual learning。 English Curriculum Criteria states for the mission of primary school English curriculum “ motivating and cultivating the interests help students to build confidence, form good habits and effective learning strategy, develop independent study and team spirit。 Cooperative learning and primary school English teaching has been closely linked in pair work。”

1。2 Domestic and overseas pair work research status文献综述

Since the early 1970’s cooperative learning rose in America, pair work has been valued by many countries and regions, becoming one of the worldwide respected and rewarded teaching ideas after several decades researches。

Related researches overseas have proved that group studying has positive effects on improving students’  studying  scores,  social  skills and good  characters。   Doctor

Kagan from California in the USA has begun to do the study about pair work since 1960s。 He thinks that there are four main factors of group studying construction, the first one is positive rely, the second is duty on everyone, the third is equal participation, the forth is meanwhile interactive。 Professor Slevin from the US has focused on the targets of groups and the effects of awarding students in pair work, and emphasized the significance of inpidual responsibility to a pair。 Brothers Johnson from the US has defined the concept of group studying and given 5 basic principles of group studying。 He has also focused on the utilization of group studying in teaching。

The studies overseas say that 79% teachers in primary schools and 62% teachers in secondary schools are using the group studying method to teach students。 It has already been used in every subjects’ teaching。

The systematic studies of pair work in our country was begun at the end of 1980s and improved a lot in middle 1990s。 Since 2000s, it has entered a relative mature age。 In recent years, the domestic researches and experiments on pair work below are the ones that have great influences, such as the exploration on inpidual education carried out by Department of Education in Hangzhou University, the researches and experiments of group studying carried out by Shandong Province Training Section and collaborative teaching experiments carried out by Hunan Normal University。

















