Abstract In this cooperative society, cooperation has been attached more importance than ever before。 Cooperation is a usual mode of life and working, and this mode has expanded to educational field。 New curriculum reform put forward the teaching process should be the  process of positive interaction,mutual aid and joint development。 Since the 1990s, group cooperative learning has been introduced into our country, and now it is a popular teaching approach in primary schools。 It meets the demands of the big class teaching for class sizes are big in most primary schools。 It emphasizes the competition and cooperation among members and the cultivation of students’ personality。 This paper, based on the internship in primary school, mainly deals with the development of group cooperative learning in China and some problems with it。 And relevant strategies are offered。76417

Key words: group cooperative learning; primary school English; problems; strategies

摘要在合作化的社会里,合作比以往任何时候都重要。合作是平常的生活和工作模式,并已经延伸至教育领域。 新课改提出教学过程应当是教师和学生之间,学生和学生之间积极互动、平等互助、共同发展的一个过程。 自二十世纪九十年代以来,小组合作学习引入我国,现在已流行于小学中。其主要符合了大班教学的需要,现在小学班级规模大,人数多。它强调组员间的合作与竞争以及学生个性的培养。本文基于笔者在小学的实习经历,主要探讨小组合作教学在我国的发展以及在实践中的问题,并给出解决策略。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature review 1

2。1 The Definition of Group Cooperative Learning 1

2。2 The Development of Cooperative Learning 2

3。 Theoretical Basis of Cooperative Learning 2

3。1 Group Dynamics 2

3。2 Classroom Instructional Technology Theory 3

3。3 Motivational Theory 3

4。 The Significance of Group Cooperative Learning 4

5。 Problems in Cooperative Learning in Primary English Class 5

5。1 Neglect of the Differences between Inpiduals when Grouping 6

5。2 Neglect of Students’ Cognitive Level 7

6 The Application of Group Cooperative Learning 8

6。1 Cultivating the Independence of Inpiduals in a Group 8

6。2 Balancing the Gap between Inpiduals 9

6。3 Defining the Role Accurately and Alter the Role Accordingly 10

6。4 Cultivating Team Spirit and Cooperative Skills 11

6。5 Assigning Some Open and Challenging Tasks 12

6。6 Establishing a Diversified Evaluation System 12

7。 Conclusion 13

Works cited 14

1。 Introduction

The new curriculum reform advocates that the tradition passive reception should be replaced by a new learning approach of self-determination, cooperation and exploration。 Since the 20th century, lifelong learning has become a new trend and the passive reception cannot meet the requirements on talent cultivation by current society。 Throughout the country, educators from schools are probing into the revolution of learning styles in full swing。 And group cooperation learning has been gradually applied into English teaching in schools, which provides students with the opportunity to apply the learning approach of self-determination, cooperation and exploration。 Nevertheless, there are some problems with this new learning style, in its initial stage。 Based on my internship experience in primary school, I will discuss the existing problems in detail via some teaching examples, and I will also offer some constructive solutions。论文网

















