摘要埃德加·爱伦·坡是十九世纪美国著名小说家、诗人和文艺评论家,在诗歌创作和诗歌理论方面成就卓然。《乌鸦》是其诗歌的经典代表作之一,也是其诗歌理论最全面的体现。该诗主要讲述了一个青年痛失自己心爱的女人后,对她的思念和追忆。本文拟采用文本分析法和解读法,从该诗歌的哥特式写作手法、象征手法和修辞手法三个方面,分析该诗歌的写作技巧,以期对这位巨匠的文学天赋有着更深的体会和理解,从而更好地理解该作品的主题内涵及其现实意义。 82957


Abstract  Edgar Allan Poe is a famous American novelist, poet and literary critic in the nineteenth century, and he makes remarkable achievements in poetic creation and poetic theory。 The Raven is one of his classic poems and fully reflects his poetic theory, which tells about a young man’s missing and recalling his beloved after the loss of her。 This paper tries to discuss the writing techniques in The Raven by analyzing the Gothic writing technique, symbolism and the rhetorical techniques in it through text-analysis and close-reading in the hope that a further understanding of the literary giant’s talent can be further deepened so that the theme of this poem and its realistic significance can be better understood。 

Key words: Allan Poe; poetry; writing techniques; analysis 


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 An appreciation on The Raven 2

 2。1 An appreciation of the Content of The Raven 3

 2。2 An appreciation of the Theme of The Raven 4

III。 The Writing Techniques in The Raven 5

 3。1 The Gothic Writing Technique in The Raven 6

 3。2 Symbolism in The Raven 7

IV。 The Rhetorical Devices in The Raven 9

 4。1 Metaphor in The Raven 10

 4。2 Repetition in The Raven 11

 4。3 Simile in The Raven 11

 4。4 Rhythm and Rhyme in The Raven 12

V。 Conclusion 14

Bibliography 16

Acknowledgement 17

The Writing Techniques in Poe’s The Raven

I。 Introduction

Edgar Allan Poe is a famous American writer, editor, and literary critic。 He is also one of the important American Romanticism。 He is famous for mystery and horror fiction。 He is the earliest pioneers of American short stories and regarded as the father of mysterious novels。 He is the first American writer who tries to make a living through writing, and he lives a financially difficult life。 His main works are Tamerlane and Other Poems, Al Araaf, Poems, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Black Cat , The Raven and so on (Tao Jie 10)。 Most of his stories create an enthralling effect on readers’ minds that can not easily be got rid of。论文网

Edgar Allan Poe was born in 1809。 His father abandoned the family in 1810, and his mother died in the following year。 Thus Allan Poe become an orphan, and was taken in by John and Frances Allan of Richmond, Virginia。 They never officially adopted him, but Edgar Allan Poe was getting along well with them all the time。 Edgar Allan Poe attended the University of Virginia for one semester。 After a short period of time, he dropped out of school。 He joined the army after leaving Allen。 From then on, Edgar Allan Poe began his writing career in a low profile。 In 1827, Edgar Allan Poe published the first poetry anthology Tamerlane and other poems, and he was named “the man of Boston” (Gao Jinhe 55), but this thin collection of poems did not attract the attention of people。 In November, the regiment moved to the slope of South Carolina, Fort Malt Ray。 Then focus of Edgar Allan Poe moved from the poetry to stories and essays。 He focused on literary magazines and journals for many years and gradually focused on the unique style of literary criticism, which made him well-known。 Then Edgar Allan Poe retired from the army。 He lived in Baltimore with a few paternal relatives。 

















