I。 Introduction

With the rapid development of society and economy, our country is badly in need of talents about learning English。 In today's environmental requirements, English learners should not only possess solid grammar foundation, but also master the skills of effective communication with foreigners。 This requires English teachers to attach great importance to students’ oral English。 With the innovation of teaching methods, it’s no surprise that original English films came into classes which conform to audio-visual method。 And it can achieve the ultimate goal of improving students’ oral English。 论文网

    This paper aims to study how to apply original English films better in middle school English classes。 The data is collected by questionnaires。 And teaching suggestions are put forward according to the conclusion。 This paper consists of five parts。 Part one is the introduction for this paper。 Part two is a review of the literature which includes two parts, theoretical bases and situation of domestic and foreign research。 Part three is research methodology which includes four parts, they are subjects of this research, the instrument, procedures and data collection analysis。 Part four is results and discussion, in this part, the author points out the problems of original English films application in oral English teaching。 The final part is the conclusion。 The current situation in English education can not meet the needs of social and economic development in China。 Reform in the English teaching field becomes utmost urgent。 In order to make some change in the status quo, broadening English teaching mode is the top priority。 Students should learn English in various forms to be affected by a lot of authentic language materials。 A relatively simply way to achieve this is to select relevant original English films as teaching aids。 Hope this paper will be beneficial to junior middle school oral English teaching。文献综述

II。 Theoretical Framework

2。1 Theoretical Bases

The application of original English films in teaching is conductive to mobilize students’ non-intelligence factors。 Therewith, many domestic and international expert scholars provide some favorable theoretical bases。 This paper studies based on the following theories: Krashen’s Input Hypothesis, Swain’s Output Hypothesis and Krashen’s The Affective Filter Hypothesis。

2。1。1 Input Hypothesis

American linguist Stephen。D。Krashen in his Input Hypothesis points out that there are two general ways to accomplish second language acquisition, one is acquisition。 Mother tongue plays a very important part in the learning of the second language。 Learners must be exposed to a large quantity of the target language to master the language, in order to ensure this, a real communication situation should be provided。 Another one is learning, learners study the rules of language consciously for target language, such as linguistic forms, grammatical rules etc。 And they master the language by means of correcting mistakes, “the learning process” is mainly carried out in the class。 Krashen claims that acquisition is an effective mean in second language learning。

Original English films applied in English teaching in junior school equals to a large quantity of English language will be put in English class。 Students are immersed in native English which integrates seeing and hearing。 That can not be provided by other medias。 Students can feel the characters’ expressions, gestures etc。 while they are listening to their dialogues。 It can help students to understand what they’ve heard。 The application of original English films in English teaching conforms to two important conditions which is mentioned in Krashen’s Input Hypothesis: a large number of input and a large number of comprehensible input。 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis provides valuable theoretical bases for the application of original English films in English teaching in junior school。来:自[优E尔L论W文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















