    关键词  酸奶机 创新使用方式  情感化需求 探索
    Title   Innovative design of products based on the Internet of
    Things---- Appliance   design     
    The graduation project starts from the concept of innovative home appliances based on the Internet of Things. After taking the use requirements to meet the modern kitchen into account and integrating the other factors, then the design of the new yogurt machine is born.
    The other factors includes abundant processes and details, like having researches of market and the existing yoghurt makers, taking the notes of the advantages and disadvantages of these products, and the breakthrough in the shape , the structure as well as the computed mode.
    The advent of the new era brought the higher demands for our life-style, which gave birth to the new generation of small appliances, one of them is yogurt maker. It is easy to operate and the working principle is simple. However, the main issue lying in the existing products is modeling, which basically is a continuation of the conservative styling of the rice cooker.
    By borrowing the heating principle, associating with the concept of the Internet of Things technology, and taking subversion of the appearance, the new design will try to do well in unity of form and function, be in line with the style of modern kitchen décor, meet the emotional needs of the target user at the same time, and finally distinguish from similar goods in the market.
    The design is exploratory experiment, with emphasis on a description  of the combination of  the existing technology and Conceptual Product; In addition, through researching on the subject, a  overall understanding  of the aesthetics,  the enjoyment  and the rationality in product design is formed, and a complete analysis of the product design process is provided and enjoyed.
    Keywords  Yogurt maker   innovative use   emotional needs   explore
      目   次  

    1  引言(或绪论) 1
    1.1 现实课题简介与设计目标    1
    1.2 物联网的背景知识   1
    1.3 基于物联网的智能家电简介 3
    1.4 酸奶机简介6
    1. 5 酸奶机的社会背景7
    1. 6酸奶机设计的现状和主要技术支持  9
    1. 7 市场的发展空间和竞争力12
    1. 8 课题的现实意义  12
    2  研究过程和理论依据   13
    2.2  设计理论  22  
    3  定稿方案详细阐述  25
    3. 1产品的造型和曲线处理   25
    3.2  产品内部结构设计  27
    3.3  产品外观尺寸图  28  
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