而是在设计上更加强 调功能,强调结构和形式的完整,更追求材料、技术、空间的表现深度与精确。用简约的手法进行室内创造,它更需要设计师具有较高的设计素养与实践经验。需要设计师深 入生活、反复思考、仔细推敲、精心提炼,运用最少的设计语言,表达出最深的设计内 涵。
毕业论文关键词: 室内规划、现代、简约、科技
Abstract:The simplicity of modern culture, with its open, innovative design ideas and the combination of the modern style, has been quite audience people and the pursuit of love。 In the case of the design style is modern minimalist。 To create a modern, natural, simple theme。 In this case the impression on studios of space design, from space planning, color matching, material selection, design of furnishings show to a simple public places of entertainment 。With the progress of the times,the he continuous improvement of the quality of people's living standards,Life taste is gradually improving, the interior design is in the ascendant。 People are no longer simply simple pursuit can meet their single life requirements, but more emphasis on the environment and quality of life, can highlight the quality of life。 In the style of decoration, modern minimalist style is the pursuit of most people。 Simplicity is not a lack of design elements, it is a higher level of creative realm。
Keywords: Interior planning、 modern、 simple、Science and technology
目 录
1 影城设计工程概况 6
1。1设计背景介绍 6
1。2地理位置分析 6
1。3空间规划分析 7
1。4影城设计定位 7
2 影城设计前期 8
2。1设计目的 8
2。2设计意义 8
3 设计方案解析 9
3。1设计风格的特点 9
3。2墙面的设计与隔音 9
3。3地面的选择 11
3。4顶面的设计 12
4 创新与不足 12
4。1 创新依据 12
4。2创新目标 12
4。3创新内容 13
4。4设计不足 13
结论 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
作品完成稿 17
1 影城设计工程概况