


    Puyang city hualong district new acquisition township rural chronic disease development present situation investigation and prevention countermeasures 

    Abstract: Take the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, interview method, mathematical statistics analysis and other research methods, new acquisition of Puyang city hualong district township rural chronic disease status and factors were investigated, and the research of rural chronic disease prevention and control measures. Results showed that: 1) The Puyang city hualong district new acquisition township residents in rural areas the phenomenon of the common chronic disease, especially in high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic bronchitis, three categories; 2) Don't understand the knowledge about chronic diseases, lack of physical exercise, poor eating habits and behavior is the main reason of the onset of chronic diseases in rural area. Through the research, put forward the effective measures to prevent chronic disease is: 1) Enhance daily physical exercise; 2) To improve eating habits and life behavior. For rural grassroots health department puts forward relevant policy Suggestions on chronic disease prevention and control of strategy formulation and theoretical support, aims to slow and curb rural areas the development of chronic diseases.         

    Key words : Puyang city hualong district new land acquisition; The countryside; Chronic diseases; Current situation of the development; Prevention and control countermeasures.                                                                                                                

    目    录

    摘  要 1

    引言 2

    1.研究对象与方法 2

    1.1研究对象 2

    1.2 研究方法 3

    2.结果与分析 3

    2.1农村中常见的慢性病现状 3

    2.2被调查对象慢性病患病情况 4

    2.3被调查对象的慢性病相关形成因素 5

    2.4被调查对象对常见慢性病相关知识了解程度 6

    2.5对被调查地区提出一些慢性病防控措施 7

    3.结论与建议 9

    3.1结论 9

    3.2建议 9


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