    摘要目标跟踪技术被广泛的应用于多个学科领域。军事上的敌我目标监控、导弹飞机拦截、地面火力引导,民用上的空中交通管制、航道船只定位、图像视频监控等都涉及到目标跟踪方面的问题。目标跟踪技术涉及范围广,随着多个领域科技手段的不断进步,尤其是计算机技术的快速发展,目标跟踪技术已经深入到更加复杂多变的环境中去。本文重点介绍卡尔曼滤波(Kalman Filter)算法,分析其结构流程,建立了双站交叉定位模型,运用Matlab软件对目标跟踪进行了仿真。28082
    关键词  目标跟踪  卡尔曼滤波  交叉定位  Matlab仿真
    Title   Dual-radio bearings - only target tracking algorithm             
    Target tracking technology is widely used in many areas. Militarily  Enemy target monitoring, missile intercepting , ground fire booting, air traffic control. Civilianly, waterway vessels tracking,video surveillance are all related to  target tracking. Target tracking technology involves a wide range of fields of science and technology as the means of progress, especially the rapid development of computer technology, target tracking technology has been deep into a more complex environment. This article focuses on the Kalman filter (Kalman Filter) algorithm to analyze the structure of the process, the establishment of a dual-station cross-location model, using Matlab software simulation for target tracking.
    This article first introduces the principles of Kalman filter algorithm,then we analyze the structure of the flow algorithm.After that we give a brief introduction of other different target tracking algorithm like Bayesian filtering, particle filtering, and establish a target tracking model. Then introduce the basic principles of cross-positioning, dual-radio cross-location model is determined by using the positioning accuracy of different evaluation analytical model. Finally  we elaborated Kalman filter, dual-radio bearings - only target tracking algorithm.In the end,I design a filter  algorithm steps, and set the simulation scenarios, use Matlab to simulate the system and get the feedback image.
    Keywords  Target-tracking  Kalman filter  Cross localization  Matlab
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的研究背景及意义    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  论文的研究内容    4
    1.4论文的章节安排    4
    2  目标跟踪算法基础    5
    2.1  目标跟踪模型    5
    2.2典型滤波算法    8
    2.3  目标跟踪评价指标    14
    2.4  本章小结    16
    3  双基站纯方位被动跟踪模型    17
    3.1交叉定位原理    17
    3.2  双基站交叉定位模型    19
    3.3  交叉定位精度分析    22
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