    摘要工程中所遇到的冲击振动问题越来越大,解决好该问题对于改善系统性能,提高系统稳定性至关重要。磁流变液在零磁场条件下呈现出低粘度的牛顿流体特性,在强磁场作用下,则呈现出高粘度、低流动性的特性。基于这种特性,磁流变液能很好地应用于冲击载荷下的减振控制。本论文基于一种多级磁流变阻尼器,采用理论分析,仿真设计,计算验证等方法,对简单的磁流变控制系统进行了研究,主要内容有: (1)建立了一种磁流变阻尼器有限元模型,对其进行电磁场仿真,得到磁流变阻尼器磁感应强度云图和磁场分布情况,分析得到电流与阻尼器磁感应强度的关系。 (2)基于已有的试验数据,应用 Matlab 对其进行多项式拟合,得到了电流与磁流变阻尼器阻尼力的关系曲线图,得到了它们之间的一般规律,验证了有限元分析的结果。 (3)设计了以单片机为核心的多级线圈控制电路,并对控制算法进行了研究。7582
    关键词  磁流变阻尼器  数据拟合   PID 算法  有限元  控制电路
    Title    The study of a Magnetorheological fluid control       system’s control method                            
    The problem of shock and vibration encountered in the project is
    growing.Solving this problem is essential for improving system performance
    and system stability. Based on a special  characteristic, the
    magnetorheological fluid can be well applied to the vibration control under
    the impact load.Based on a multi-level magnetorheological damper ,this
    article uses various methods like theoretical analysis, simulation, design
    and calculate, to study a simple magneto-rheological control system.The
    main contents include:
    1.This thesis established a finite element model of a magnetorheological
    damper.According to simulating its electromagnetic field ,this thesis got
    its magnetic field distribution ,cloud images of magnetic induction
    intensity and the relationship between current and magnetic induction
    2.Based on a existing experimental data,this thesis used Matlab to get the
    relationship curve between the current and the damping force  and validated
    the finite element analysis results.
    3.This thesis designed a control circuit and studied the control
    Keywords  Magnetorheological damper  Data fitting  PID  
              Finite Element Analysis   Control circuit
    目  录
    1   绪论.  1
    1.1  选题背景和意义    1
    1.2  磁流变液技术    1
    1.3  磁流变阻尼器    2
    1.4  磁流变液控制系统控制方法    4
    2   磁流变阻尼器电磁场有限元分析  .  6
    2.1  有限元法及ANSYS    6
    2.2  磁流变阻尼器的电磁场建模与有限元分析    7
    2.3  注意事项    15
    3   阻尼力与电流数据拟合  .  16
    3.1  简介  16
    3.2  实验数据    17
    3.3  数据拟合程序    17
    3.4  数据拟合结果    18
    4   控制电路设计  .  19
    4.1  总体设计    19
    4.2  ATmega8与驱动电路  .  21
    4.3  功率MOSFET 与驱动电路    22
    4.4  调理电路    23
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