    关键词  离散制造  数据采集  RFID
    Title        Discrete manufacturing system data     acquisition system design   
    With the development of information technology and extensive application of network technology, the competition among modern manufacturing industries no longer merely rely on the traditional technology of the machine features, but more and more depend on the development of information technology. Implementation of enterprise information strategy is an irresistible trend and of the 21st century. In the process of building a corporate information technology, the most fundamental problem is site data acquisition of the workshop production. This paper will start with the typical discrete workshop, describe its production process and characteristics, analysis the site data types in its production process, and establish a data model. Also this paper will introduce the existing data acquisition technique, method and means, to lay the foundation requirements of discrete workshop data acquisition system, and design how to realize the function of acquisition system one by one.
    Keywords  Discrete manufacturing   data acquisition   RFID
    目  次

    1    绪论    1
    1.1    研究背景    1
    1.2    研究内容    5
    1.3    本文结构安排    5
    1.4    本章小结    6
    2    离散制造车间生产流程及数据类型分析    7
    2.1    离散制造车间特点    7
    2.2    离散制造车间现场数据类型分析    10
    2.3    离散制造车间数据模型    13
    2.4    本章小结    16
    3    离散车间数据采集技术和方法    17
    3.1    数据采集系统概述    17
    3.2    数据采集系统功能    18
    3.3    数据采集手段和方法    20
    3.4    本章小结    25
    4    离散车间数据采集系统布局设计    26
    4.1    离散车间数据采集系统的功能需求    26
    4.2    离散制造车间数据采集系统设计    27
    4.3    数据采集系统布局设计    30
    4.4    本章小结    33
    结论    34
    致谢    35
    参考文献    36
    1    绪论
    1.1    研究背景
    1.1.1    制造业信息化
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