毕业论文关键词 网络控制系统 EDF动态调度 环形耦合算法 模糊自适应PID算法 Truetime
Title Scheduling and control of multi motor coordinated control system for glass substrate transportation
Abstract Multi motor cooperative control is widely used in engineering, and multi motor control under network environment is a hot research topic。Based on the liquid crystal glass substrate transport, the problem of multi motor cooperative control under the network environment is studied in this paper。 The work process, advantages and disadvantages of the network control system, the transmission mechanism of CAN bus and the steps of using Truetime to build the simulation platform are introduced in detail。 Analysis of the transmission process of network data information under EDF dynamic scheduling strategy is presented。 The tracking error is compensated by the ring coupling control structure。 Design of multi motor network control system based on fuzzy adaptive PID algorithm is composed。 The simulation results show that, under the condition of load disturbance, the multi motor can follow a given input, and can keep a certain precision。
Keywords network control system EDF dynamic scheduling Ring coupling algorithm Fuzzy adaptive PID algorithm Truetime
目 次
1 引言 1
1。1 课题研究背景及意义 1
1。2 研究现状分析 1
1。3 本文主要研究内容 2
2 多电机网络控制系统基本问题研究 4
2。1 网络控制系统相关概念 4
2。2 多电机网络控制系统问题分析 5
2。3 Truetime工具箱介绍 5
2。4 仿真模型搭建 9
2。5 本章小结 12
3 网络控制系统的调度研究 13
3。1 网络控制系统调度介绍 13
3。2 网络控制系统典型调度算法 13
3。3 EDF动态调度策略研究 15
3。4 多电机网络控制系统中EDF调度算法的应用分析 15
3。5 本章小结 16
4 多电机网络控制系统控制结构研究 18
4。1 多电机网络控制系统控制结构介绍 18
4。2 多电机环形耦合控制结构 18
4。3 本章小结 20
5 模糊自适应PI控制器设计