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时间:2023-01-27 10:29来源:英语论文
Linguistic Features of the Translations of Alice in Wonderland A Case Study of Zhao Yuanren’s Translation,英语论文《爱丽丝梦游仙境记》的译本语言特点分析赵元任的中译本为例

Abstract   Chinese children’s literature (CL) began to develop in the period of May 4th New Cultural Movement, which was aimed at carrying out the great mission to make sure people have got good education, starting with young kids。 However, CL and its translation have been on the edge of the system of Chinese literature。 So this paper tries to provide a new perspective for research on CL translation, and hopes to draw scholars’ attention to CL translation。87225
   Children’s literature caters for children readers’ need。 Children’s ability of reading comprehension is inferior to adults。 CL is characterized by the vividness, conciseness, rhyme and enjoyment of language。 Therefore, the translators should pay more attention to children’s comprehend capability, when they try to translate CL。 They should also use simple words and colloquial phrases as many as possible, so that they can represent the works loved by children readers which are usually full of childishness and playfulness。
Through the comparison of three Chinese versions of Alice in Wonderland, this paper makes a brief analysis of the linguistic features of the translations from the perspectives of the choice of vocabularies, figures of speech, syntactic and discourse features。 And finally it is justified to illustrate general methods and techniques of CL translation and conclude that Zhao Yuanren aimed to entertain children readers and reproduced children’s interest。
Keywords: Alice in Wonderland; CL translation;

《爱丽丝梦游仙境记》的译本语言特点分析—— 以赵元任的中译本为例
通过对Alice in Wonderland的三个汉译本进行对比,从词汇的选择,修辞手法,句法和语篇特征等层面对其译本语言特点进行简要分析,说明儿童文学翻译的一般方法和技巧,从而总结出赵元任的翻译目的在于愉悦儿童,重现儿童情趣。



Abstract in English   I
Abstract in Chinese   II
I。 Introduction   1
II。 Literature Review   3
2。1 Survey of the Research on CL Translation   3
2。2 Studies on Alice in Wonderland   3
III。 Analysis of Linguistic Features of the Translations   6
3。1 The Lexical Features of Children’s Language。   6
3。1。1 Onomatopoeia    6
3。1。2 Reduplication   7
3。1。3 The Coinage of New Words and Pet Phrase   8
3。1。4 Color Words   8
3。2 The Syntactic Features of Children’s Language   9
3。2。1 Repetition   9
3。2。2 Hyperbole   10
3。3 The Discourse Features of Children’s Language   11
3。3。1 The Use of Modal Particles in Textual Cohesion   11
3。3。2 The Style of Conversation    12
3。3。3 The Translation of “Rhythmical Language” in Paragraph   12 《爱丽丝梦游仙境记》的译本语言特点分析赵元任的中译本为例:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_129809.html