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时间:2023-02-20 22:45来源:英语论文
Development of Intercultural Communication Awareness in Chinese Cuisine Translations,英语论文中国菜名翻译中的跨文化交际意识发展


毕业论文关键词  跨文化交际 跨文化交际意识  餐饮翻译

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title   Development of Intercultural Communication Awareness in Chinese Cuisine Translations                                                                     

Abstract With the promotion of global economic integration, cross-border tourism gains more popularity。 It brings China's inbound tourism market a great opportunity and also more challenges。 With the increasing number of in-bound tourists, more issues about intercultural communication need to be solved。 To solve theses problems, communication participants are required to have appropriate intercultural communication awareness, under the guidance of which participants gain intercultural communication ability。 Translations of Chinese cuisines are an important part of intercultural communication, which influences foreigner’s experiences of Chinese cuisines。 This thesis focuses on intercultural communication awareness and pides its development into five stages:  Cultural Difference Awareness; Cultural Differences Discrimination; Cultural Empathy; Self-Cultural Identity; Cultural Integration。 Development of intercultural communication awareness in Chinese cuisine translations is analyzed according to the five stages。

Keywords  intercultural communication  intercultural communication awareness 

cuisine translation

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1From+优 尔-论+文W网www.youerw.com 加QQ752018`766

1。1 Research Background 1

1。2 Significance 2

1。3 Structure of the Thesis 2

2 Literature Review 3

2。1 Intercultural Communication Awareness 3

2。2 Cultural Empathy and Cultural Identity 3

2。3 Chinese Cuisine Translations 4

3   Research theory: Five Stages of Intercultural Communication Awareness 5

3。1 Intercultural Communication Awareness and Intercultural Communication Ability 7

3。2 Cultural Empathy and Three Stages of Cultural Identity 7

3。3 Five Stages of Intercultural Communication Awareness 7 中国菜名翻译中的跨文化交际意识发展:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_140453.html
