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时间:2023-04-30 21:48来源:英语论文
The Effects of Self-control Strategies on Students’ English Performance at Senior High,英语论文自控力提升策略对高中学生英语成绩的作用

The Effects of Self-control Strategies on Students’ English Performance at Senior High School 

Abstract Evidence and existing theories imply that self-control is vital to predict the life outcomes of people, such as work achievements and academic achievements。 When the object comes to be high school students, present research has already confirmed that a higher self-control is propitious for them to get satisfactory results。 So how to improve the self-control of senior high school students has become the main purpose of our study。 We want to improve the students' English performance through specific self-control strategies。 A questionnaire study using SCS(Self-Control Scale) for senior high school students in HuZhou Senior High School to find out their characteristics of self-control and the correlation between self-control and English performance。 Then self-control strategies which included  ”Time management strategy training”, ”Learning goals strategy training ” and ”Metacognitive awareness strategy training” according to the analysis of correlation between Tangney’s Self-Control Scale and English performance of the test before the study in order  to develop their self-control capacity。 We selected 6 different classes for each strategy from Grade One to Grade Three for the implementation, the strategy lasted for 3 months。 We compared English performance pf two tests before and after the study,combing the feedback of the students about the strategy, the results revealed the close relationship between students’ self-control and English performance, abecedarian presented suitable self-control strategies for students from different grades of high school。 Our study also provides possible reference for the educators and students themselves to improve the school performance effectively with self-control。 From优Y尔E论W文W网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201,8766

Key words: self-control capacity; self-control developing strategies; English performance, senior high school students。 


摘 要现有的理论和研究都表明自控对于一个人的人生成就有很大的影响,不论是学业成就还是工作成就。当对象变成高中生是,很多研究都得证明了拥有越高的自控能力就能得到更加令人满意的成绩。所以如何提高高中生的自我控制成为了我们研究的主要方向,我们希望通过具体的自控力提升策略来提高高中生的英语成绩。我们使用了唐尼的自控力特征问卷来研究高中生的自控力特点和他们的自控力现状。我们选取了一个高中的学生参与了调查问卷并且将得出的数据和学生的英语成绩做了相关性的分析,然后根据分析结果制定了初步的自控力提升策略,包括了时间管理策略,学习目标提升策略和元认知意识管理策略。我们为每个策略都选择了从高一到高三的6个不同的班级并且制定了相应的实施策略。整个自控力策略实施的时间为三个月,最后我们通过策略实施前后两次英语考试的得分以及学生们对于此次自控提升策略的反馈来进行分析。结果表明自控提升策略对于学生英语分数的提高是有很大的积极影响,并且初步呈现了对于高中不同年级段的学生应该如何制定合适的自控提升策略。我们的研究也为教育者和学生借助自控来提高学业成绩提供了可能的借鉴。88546

毕业论文关键词:自控能力;自控提升策略; 英语成绩;高中学生




Abstract 1

1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Research Background 1

1。2 Significance of the research 自控力提升策略对高中学生英语成绩的作用:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_163434.html
