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时间:2018-07-01 12:15来源:英语论文
Different Family Values Reflected Between the East and the West in The Joy Luck Club英语论文电影《喜福会》反映出的中西家庭价值观的差异

摘 要本文以电影《喜福会》的内容、故事冲突及背景文化为基础,从三个方面分析了中国和美国之间的家庭价值观的差异:子女在家庭中的地位,婚姻观和教育观。在地位上,美国人注重个人主义,强调个人权利,自由平等;中国人则是注重集体主义,并且以孝为先。中国传统婚姻和美国婚姻中均存在男女不平等关系,唯一的区别是,美国人婚姻看似平等,但其婚姻中的不平等更隐蔽;而中国婚姻的不平等处处可见。在教育上,中国的父母总是用批评的方式来教育子女,而美国父母则是让孩子去亲身经历来达到教育的目的。结合中美两国家庭价值观的优缺点,才能更好地教育和引导孩子们未来的生活。24922
This paper analyses the differences in family values between China and America based on the content, the conflicts and the background cultures in the film The Joy Luck Club from three aspects: status of children, marriage views and family education. In terms of status, Americans are more prominent in inpidualism, emphasize on inpidual rights and respect for freedom and equality; in China, people lay emphasis on collectivism, and filial piety first, which means children should be obedient. Unequal relationships between men and women exist both in traditional Chinese marriage and the American marriage. The only difference is that the American marriage seems to be equal, but in fact, its inequality is invisible, while the inequality of Chinese marriage is apparent everywhere in life. Chinese parents always use critic ways to educate their children, however, Americans allow children to experience things so as to get them being educated. The two kinds of family values have their own advantages and disadvantages. Only by combining these two kinds of values together can Chinese people educate and direct children’s life in the future.
Key words: family values; The Joy Luck Club; marriage views; family education
 Different Family Values Reflected Between the East and the West in The Joy Luck Club
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. Status of Family Members in The Joy Luck Club    2
2.1 Cultural Backgrounds of Family Values Between the East and the West    3
2.2 Status of Family Members Between the East and the West    4
III. Comparison of Marriage Views in The Joy Luck Club    6
3.1 Family Values Reflected in Traditional Chinese Marriages    7
3.2 Family Values Reflected in American Marriages    8
IV. Comparison of Family Education in The Joy Luck Club    9
4.1 Being Strict with Their Children Versus Guiding Their Children    10
4.2 Collectivism Versus Fair Competition    12
V. Conclusion    13
Bibliography    15
Acknowledgements    17
I. Introduction

The novel The Joy Luck Club is the first works of Amy Tan who was born in Oakland, California in 1952. Both of her parents are immigrants, lived in various towns in California before eventually settling in Santa Clara. When her father and one brother died of cerebroma, she learned the misfortunate marriage of her mother in China. In 1987, she and her mother traveled to China to reunite with her half-sisters. This trip provided Tan with a fresh perspective on her mother, and became the most important inspiration for her first book---The Joy Luck Club, which had been the best-seller for many months on the New York Times and won both the National Book Award and the L. A. Times Book Award in 1989.
The Joy Luck Club mainly describes the misunderstandings and emotional conflicts of immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters. These four families are: Woo Family, the Jong Family, the Hsu Family and St. Clair Family. The novel is set in the age of globalization and in the multicultural American society. It portrays the process of misunderstanding, conflicts, understanding and blending between the mothers and the daughters. 电影《喜福会》反映出的中西家庭价值观的差异:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_18551.html