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时间:2023-11-27 22:25来源:英语论文
On Foreignization and Domestication in Ah Q Zheng Zhuan from the Perspective of Skopostheorie,英语论文从目的论看文学作品中的归化与异化策略以《阿Q正传》两英译本为例

Abstract The thesis will base on Skopostheorie and its three basic principles to compare The True Story of Ah Q by the Yang’s couple with The Real Story of Ah Q by Julia Lovell。 The thesis aims to let the readers understand that due to different purposes of translation, different culture background of the translators and target readers, different versions have different translation methods。 With the aim to promote Chinese culture, Yang’s version mainly adopted foreignization while Lovell mainly employed domestication so that target readers could comprehend the content of source text easily。 However, whether foreignization or domestication, each one has its own merits and weaknesses。 Foreignization and domestication in translation do not contradict with each other, but complement with each other。 What is important is that the translator should try to bridge the gap between different cultures。 Any excellent version can’t do without the translator’s flexible steering of the two translation methods。91533

Keywords: skopostheorie; domestication; foreignization; Ah Q Zheng Zhuan


摘要本文将以目的论及其三个基本原则为主要理论依据,对杨宪益夫妇与蓝诗玲(Julia Lovell)的两个英译版本的《阿Q正传》进行比较与分析。从而让读者了解到:由于译者的翻译目的不同,译者以及目标读者的文化背景不同,不同译本有其侧重的翻译策略。基于传播中国文化的目的,杨译本多采用异化手法,而蓝译本多采用归化手法来确保读者能理解原文的内容。但无论是异化还是归化,皆各有其长亦各有其短。异化和归化在翻译中并不矛盾,反而互为补充。重要的是译者在翻译的过程中要努力搭建不同文化的桥梁。任何出彩的译本都需要译者熟练地运用异化和归化两种方法。





1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

2。1 A brief introduction of Ah Q Zheng Zhuan 1

2。2 The origin and development of Skopostheorie 2

2。3 The application of Skopostheorie in源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766   China 2

3。 Three Basic Concepts of Skopostheorie 3

3。1 Skopos rule 3

3。2 Coherence rule 3

3。3 Fidelity rule 4

4。 Comparative Study of Two Versions 4

4。1 Different translation strategies 4

4。2 Different translation styles 5

5。 Analysis of the Two English Versions from the Perspective of Skopostheorie 6

5。1 The skopos in two English versions 6

5。2 Differences in adopting skopos rule 6

5。3 Differences in adopting coherence rule 9

5。4 Differences in adopting fidelity rule 10

6。 Conclusion 11
