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时间:2024-05-04 10:03来源:英语论文
A Study on Translating Fantasy Novels under Functional Equivalence A Case Study of A Game of Thrones,英语论文功能对等理论下魔幻小说的翻译《权力的游戏》译本 为例

A Study on Translating Fantasy Novels under Functional Equivalence —— A Case Study of A Game of Thrones Abstract

In recent years, fantasy novels have been more and more popular among readers. Some of western fantasy novels were put to screen. Although it hasn’t been long since western fantasy novels flowed into China, they do have a long history which can trace back to ancient Greek and Roman times. In the mid of 20th century, western fantasy novels developed rapidly, among which the most well-known was the The Lord of Rings Trilogy. Since their appearance, the researches and translations on western fantasy novels have increased with time. However, by contrast to Chinese people’s growing demand for fantasy stories, the quantity and quality of Chinese translations are staying low. Meanwhile, researches in this domain made in China put more focus on the study of characters and plots rather than analyzing translation strategies. Of course, in these years studies about western fantasy novels started to increase.

Based on such condition, this thesis chooses to study the Chinese translation of A Game of Thrones under the guidance of functional equivalence theory. Since Nida’s functional equivalence pays attention to lexical equivalence, meaning equivalence and style equivalence instead of form equivalence, to some degree, his theory bears similarities to traditional Chinese translation strategies “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance”. Besides, Nida also put emphasis on readers’ response which means target readers should have the similar feeling as the source text readers. This thesis first concludes the features of western fantasy novels and on the basis of which it tries to reveal how the functions of source text are reproduced in the target text. For the convenience of study, the functions are presented in three ways. The utmost goal if the study is to seek to provide suggestions for the translation of other western fantasy novels.

Keywords: western fantasy novels; functional equivalence theory; translation

功能对等理论下魔幻小说的翻译——以《权力的游戏》译本为例 摘要 

近年来,西方魔幻小说越来越受到读者的青睐,其中的很多都已经被搬上荧 屏。虽然魔幻小说传入中国的年代并不久远,但是其起源却可以追溯到古希腊和 罗马时代。而在 20 世纪中叶,魔幻小说飞速发展,其代表作品不断涌现,尤为著 名的是《魔戒》。自《魔戒》问世后大量对于魔幻小说的研究及作品的各语言译本 陆续出现,进一步使得人们对于魔幻小说投入更多关注。然而在国人对于西方魔 幻小说的兴趣渐浓,对作品需求不断增大时,翻译在数量和质量上都仍有欠缺。 国内对于魔幻小说的翻译也仅限于对人物、情节进行分析,而对于西方魔幻小说 的翻译研究上却少之又少,直到近几年才逐渐增多。

基于这样的背景,本论文旨在奈达的功能对等理论的指导下,选取《冰与火 之歌》的第一册《权利的游戏》为参考,简单分析功能对等理论在魔幻小说的翻 译中所能够产生的妙用。奈达的功能对等理论不强调形式上的对等,而重视词汇, 意义以及风格上得对等,在某种程度上与中国的翻译理论“信、达、雅”有异曲 同工之妙。除此以外,奈达也重视读者的阅读感受,认为译文读者的反应应当与 原文读者的反应基本一致。本论文首先总结了西方魔幻小说的特征,基于此又揭 示了源语的功能如何在目的语中重现。为了便于研究,功能将以三种方式呈现。 而研究的最终目的是则为了给西方魔幻小说的翻译提供一些建议。



Abstract in English I 功能对等理论下魔幻小说的翻译《权力的游戏》译本为例:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_203656.html
