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时间:2024-05-04 10:07来源:英语论文
Poetized Translation in Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Teleologic Perspective,英语论文从目的论角度看《黑奴吁天录》中的诗化翻译

Poetized Translation in Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Teleologic Perspective

Abstract:In the modern translation history, Lin Shu is an eminent translator and is full of controversy. He was born in Qing Dynasty. At that time, China was in hot water. Many intellectuals stood out in order to save the country. However, most of them only took in the western technology, which couldn’t fundamentally solve the problem. Lin Shu chose a different way. He introduced various western advanced thought and culture to inspire nation’s intelligence. He knew nothing about foreign languages, nevertheless he translated a mass of excellent literature creatively. In the process of translating Uncle Tom's Cabin, Lin took the way of poetized translation and successfully attracted the attention of vast intellectuals. This translation was pointed by Andre Lefevere, a scholar of the cultural school. He thought that translation was a process of rewriting. Such rewriting was called poetized translation. In a similar way, the ways used in translation like deleting, adding and modifying are as rewriting also called poetized translation. In Uncle Tom's Cabin, such ways were largely used. These ways not only made the translation more graceful, but also made it easier to be accepted. What's more, Lin expressed his own thoughts by poetized translation. That has to come down to Teleology. Teleology

refers to translating according to translator’s goal that he had already set. There are three principles of teleology: skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. These rules were excellent revealed in Uncle Tom's Cabin. In addition to translating the book with poetic, coherent language, Lin also added a lot of Chinese elements, which made the novel more abundant. The publish of Uncle Tom's Cabin caused stir in the intelligence, and it is translation tactic and literary value had been keeping learnt by scholars. The paper takes the teleology as principle to study the poetized translation in Uncle Tom's Cabin and analyzes the influences of his translation.

Keywords: Lin Shu, poetize translation, teleology, Uncle Tom's Cabin, influence


摘要:在近代翻译史上,林纾是一位饱受争议的翻译家。林纾生于清末,那时的 中国正处于水生火热之中,许多的文人志士纷纷站出来寻求救亡图存之路。然而 大多数的人只知学习西方先进的科学技术,并不能从根本上解决问题。与他们不 同,林纾在其翻译作品中引进了许多西方先进的思想和文化。虽然林纾不懂外文, 却创新地翻译出了大量的优秀文学作品。在翻译《黑奴吁天录》一书时,林纾采 用了诗化翻译并且成功吸引了很多知识分子的眼球。这种翻译手法是由学者亚里 士多德出来的。他认为翻译的过程即是改写的过程而这种改写又被称为诗化。与 此类似,在翻译过程出现的为美化语言而出现的删减,添加以及修饰都被称为诗 化。这种诗化的翻译方式在黑奴吁天录中大量的出现。林纾通过这种手法,使得 译本更加生动优雅,也使得译本更容易被读者所理解。更重要的是,林纾借此表 达了很多自己的想法。这就涉及到了目的论这一说。目的论指的是译者的所有翻 译都是根据自己进行翻译之前的目的所进行的。目的论有三条基本准则:目的法 则,连贯性和忠实性法则。这两点在黑奴吁天录中都得到了很好的体现。除了译 文的连贯优雅,林纾还在其中加入了很多中国元素,使译文的受众面更加广泛。 黑奴吁天录的出版在广大学者和知识分子之中产生了巨大的反响。其翻译手法和 文学价值一直为后人学习和模仿。本文以目的论为原则,着重分析书中的诗化翻 译,并分析其译文所产生的影响。

关键词:林纾,目的论,黑奴吁天录,诗化翻译,影响 从目的论角度看《黑奴吁天录》中的诗化翻译:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_203658.html
