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时间:2024-05-16 21:41来源:英语论文
1.3 Research questions 1.3.1 What are principles of official university Website page translation? 1.3.2 What are common errors in official university Website page translation? 1.3.3 What are improveme

1.3 Research questions

1.3.1 What are principles of official university Website page translation?

1.3.2 What are common errors in official university Website page translation?

1.3.3 What are improvements of official university Website page translation?

1.4 Layout of the thesis

This thesis is pided into five components. The first chapter is the introduction, mainly giving a brief introduction of the background, theoretical and practical significance as well as focal problems of the study. The second chapter is the literature review, covering previous studies on developments ranging from university website translation, functional theories of translation theories to Skopos theory via collecting and analyzing materials. Then comes the further introduction of dominant backing theory, Vermeer’s Skopos theory thus to pave the way for next study. The fourth chapter will analyze the problems and countermeasures of existing English translation errors in the official websites of two Jiangsu-based universities. Firstly, from the perspective of stylistic features and general techniques in universities webpage translation, this thesis carries out average translation development. What follows is an exact case analysis of the official homepages of two Jiangsu-based universities, regarding the four aspects of pragmatic, cultural, linguistic and text translation errors, as well as counter-solutions. The concluding chapter concentrates on the final conclusion, summarizing the research findings and pointing out the drawbacks and limitations of the research.
