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时间:2018-11-18 20:02来源:英语论文
The Importance of Situational Teaching in Enhancing the Memory of English英语论文浅析情景教学对加深英语记忆的重要作用

摘 要当前,随着经济全球化时代的到来,信息速度的不断加快,英语的重要性日益突出。因此培养一批具有一定的英语技能的人才迫在眉睫。但由于外语教学方法不得当的缘故,使得英语的记忆较为困难,因此很多学生产生了厌学、畏学的情绪。本文主要从多器官协调作用理论、大脑功能理论及情绪心理学理论的角度出发,结合学生的心理特点,提出了情景教学的观点。在教学中运用情景教学法来激发学生的学习兴趣,充分地调动身体各个器官的参与,降低学生的压迫感、焦虑感,为学习创造一个轻松愉快的学习环境,此种情形下,大脑的潜能被充分挖掘,因此记忆的效果也会更好。本论文共分五章。主要阐述了情景教学的背景,现状及应用。本文的研究,将对当今中国的英语学习及英语记忆产生一定的指导作用。30353
Abstract Nowadays, with the coming of the age of economic globalization and the continual acceleration of information, English learning is becoming more and more important. Therefore, cultivating a group of people who can master English well is urgent. But in recent years, because of the incorrect teaching method memorizing of English becomes difficult for students. As a result, many students are afraid of learning English or even hate to learn it. On the basis of Multiple Organs Coordinating Theory, Brain Function Theory and Emotional Psychology Theory, as well as students’ psychological features, the thesis puts forward the view of situational teaching in enhancing the memory of English. The usage of situational teaching method in teaching can arouse students’ interest in learning, stimulate the participation of various body organs, lessen their pressure and anxiety, and create a happy and relaxing learning environment for students. Thus, the capacity of memory is improved. This paper has five chapters altogether which mainly expound the background, present situation and application of situational teaching. The research of this paper will produce a guiding role on English learning and memory in China.
  Key words: situational teaching;English;memory
The Importance of Situational Teaching in Enhancing the Memory of English
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II. Supporting Theories and Research    2
2.1 Definition of “Situation” and “Situational Approach”    3
2.2 Theoretical Basis for Situational Teaching in Enhancing the Memory of English    3
2.2.1 Multiple Organs Coordinating Theory    3
2.2.2 The Brain Function Theory    3
2.2.3 Emotional Psychology Theory    4
2.3 Overview of Situational Teaching Research    4
2.3.1 Foreign Situational Teaching Research    4
2.3.2 Domestic Situational Teaching Research    5
III. Application of Situational Teaching Method    6
3.1 Purpose and Significance of the Study    6
3.1.1 Purpose of the Study    6
3.1.2 Significance of the Study    6
3.2 Demands of Situational Teaching Method    7
3.2.1 The Scale about the Situational Teaching    7
3.2.2 Ways of Scenes Setting in Situational Teaching    7
3.2.3 An Advance in Teaching Level of Teachers    7
3.3 Several Situational Teaching Methods    8
3.3.1 Task-based Language Teaching Method    8
3.3.2 Multimedia Teaching Method    8
3.3.3 The Method of Using Real Object    9
3.3.4 The Method of Using Game    9 浅析情景教学对加深英语记忆的重要作用:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_26020.html