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时间:2019-09-10 12:49来源:英语论文
The Training of Spoken English Communicative Competence in Primary School,英语论文论小学英语口语交际能力的培养

Abstract With the rapid development of economy, society, technology and other aspects of the whole, our communication with the world has become increasingly frequent. English is an oral language, and its purpose of learning is to practice, primary school students, who contact English for the first time, are directly affected by the communicative ability.Therefore, the paper of the training of Spoken English communicative ability in primary school is discussed. Firstly, this paper reviews the background and present situations of the research, which points out the necessity of the training of Spoken English communicative ability in primary school; secondly, this paper analyzes present situation of Spoken English communicative ability in primary school from the aspects of schools, teachers and students; then, this paper identifies problems existing in the training of Spoken English communicative ability in primary school; finally, according to the existing problems above, this paper puts forward some countermeasures for cultivating and improving the communicative ability of spoken English in primary school.
Key words: Primary School Students; Spoken English; Communicative Ability; Training
The Training of Spoken English Communicative Ability in Primary School
摘  要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II.Present situation of Spoken English Communicative Ability in Primary School    3
 2.1 Schools    3
 2.2 Teachers    4
 2.3 Students    4
III.Problems Existing in Training of Spoken English Communicative Ability in Primary School    6
 3.1 Problems of Teachers    6
 3.2  Problems of Students    7
IV.Measures to improve the training of Spoken English communicative ability in primary school    9
 4.1 The Level of Environment    9
 4.2 The Level of Teachers    11
 4.3 The Level of Students    12
V.Conclusion    13
Bibliography    14
Acknowledgements    15
I. Introduction
With the rapid development of economy, society, technology and other aspects of the whole, our communication with the world have become increasingly frequent, learning and mastering a foreign language is one of the most basic ability in twenty-first Century for us in order to better adapt to the rapid development of the times and society. English is the most widely used language, corresponding spoken English also highlight increasingly important, primary school English as a student for the first time to contact, which directly affects the spoken communicative ability of students to learn English in the future, therefore, our country and teachers should pay attention to strengthen the training of spoken English communicative ability in primary school. Research on this topic, on one hand, it can provide some new ideas for the training of Spoken English communicative ability in primary school, on the other hand, under the premise of improving the Spoken English teaching quality, it is possible to stimulate the students’ interest in learning English to a certain extent, cultivate Spoken English communicative ability, so as to improve the heard test scores of middle and high school students. 论小学英语口语交际能力的培养:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_39084.html