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时间:2019-09-10 12:49来源:英语论文
Collecting relevant literature show that domestic scholars on the status of spoken English communication mainly focus on improving their Spoken English ability of teaching strategies, teaching evaluat

    Collecting relevant literature show that domestic scholars on the status of spoken English communication mainly focus on improving their Spoken English ability of teaching strategies, teaching evaluation of spoken English in primary school and methods of study and investigation of spoken English of primary school, such as Hu Na (2011). The training strategy of spoken English communication ability in the primary school students.
How to improve the primary students’ Spoken English communicative ability, foreign scholars have been studied in the earlier, such as in the last century 40's, scholar Bachman have pointed out, to improve the spoken English communicative ability to try to eliminate interference from the first language (L1), try to give more stimulus, and proposed a direct method of teaching mode.
This paper mainly adopts classroom observation method, interview method, literature analysis method and qualitative analysis which through understanding events by the phenomenon, discovering problems so as to solve the problem to complete the writing of this paper. Firstly, this paper reviews the background and present situations of the research, which points out the necessity of the training of Spoken English communicative ability in primary school; Secondly, through the definition of spoken English, spoken English communicative ability and other related concepts, this paper analyzes Present situation of Spoken English communicative ability in primary school from schools, teachers and student's inpidual situation, so on this basis, to identify Problems existing in the training of Spoken English communicative ability in primary school such as lack of atmosphere of good English communicative environment, weak theoretical knowledge and low level of spoken English of teachers, “psychological fear of speaking”and“psychological inertia”of Students and so on; finally, according to the existing problems above, this paper puts forward some countermeasures for cultivating and improving the communicative ability of spoken English in primary school from the level of environment, teachers and students.
Spoken English is the oral language refers to the people in English-speaking countries who commonly use in the daily communication process. It is flexible as other languages, is free to use due to different occasions and speakers, and is usually spread by sound. Form of spoken English is mainly pided into sound and the written. The form of sound language usually appear in our English teaching,while the form of written on the spoken appears in English literary works.Spoken English communication is the application of the ability of listening and speaking English in daily life. Spoken English communicative ability refers to the comprehensive ability when making oral English communication life. Evaluation of a person's ability of spoken English communication, generally from the appropriate expression and understanding, in line with the time field, and cultural requirements of the language. After years of learning, for many English learners, the first two terms are relatively easy to achieve,while the last aspect for most English learners is quietly difficulty. 论小学英语口语交际能力的培养(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_39084.html