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时间:2019-09-23 22:00来源:英语论文
The Application of Body Language in English Teaching in Senior High School,英语论文肢体语言在高中英语教学中的应用

Abstract It is reported that the proportion of English in the college entrance examination has fallen and schools, parents and students will inevitably ignore English. But English is used widely in the world. In this situation, how to teach English in senior high school is a challenge to English teachers, that it to say, it is a challenge for teaching ability and teaching methods. In this paper, it mainly discusses the application of body language in senior high school for English teaching, and this passage is tell by the author’s experience, investigation and other arguments to discuss the necessity of body language, teaching skills and the function. Thus it can be seen that the body language used in the senior high school for English teaching is very effective, and it used in the English teaching has the huge development potential. Hopefully, this paper can bring some inspirations to the readers and teachers and provide good research subject for scientific study.
Key words: body language; senior school English; teaching approach
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
I. Introduction    1
II.General Analysis of Body Language    2
 2.1.The Definition of Body Language    2
 2.2.Some Common Body Languages    3
III.The Present Situation of the Application of Body Language    4
 3.1 Comment on Body Languages in My Senior High School    4
 3.2 The Situation in English in Senior High School    5
IV. Body Language in English Teaching in Senior High School    6
 4.1 The Necessity of Body Language in English in Senior High School    6
 4.2 The Skills of Body Language in Senior English in High school    8
V. The Significance of Body Language    9
 5.1 Significance for Teachers' Part    9
 5.2 Significance for Students' Part    11
VI. Conclusion    14
Bibliography    15
Acknowledgments    16
The Application of Body Language in Senior High School English Teaching

I. Introduction

    It has been about half a century since the research of language took a great shift. The noticeable change is a shift of attention from the language itself to the process of language learning and teaching. In China, students learn English mainly for educational benefits and classroom oral English is the chief and the only source of English learning, which is quite different from the ways of other language learning.
    It has already been demonstrated by Argyle, M (1972: 42-43) that about 70% of the utterances in most classrooms come from the teacher. English teachers usually give enough attention to their verbal language in teaching but in fact language is not only composed of verbal. Language is a systematic means of communicating ideas or thoughts by signs, sounds, gestures and so on. Students do not only get information from teachers’ sounds but also from the teachers' signs, gestures and any other means related to the situation, and they are named body language by researchers. Body language is composed not only of signs, gesture but also of facial expressions, eye movements, voice inflections, postures, body positions and even clothing. It can be positive, e.g. smiling and nodding; positive or negative; frowning or shaking. Due to the disadvantages of traditional teaching English, English teachers need to reform the teaching methods to arouse the students’ interests to help them to learn better. There are many useful and proper methods to get the goal and among of them is to use body language in English teaching. Today we will probe into applying body language in English teaching in senior high school.   肢体语言在高中英语教学中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_39678.html