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时间:2019-09-23 22:00来源:英语论文
The paper is pided into five parts. Part One introduces body language and analysis the definition of body language; in addition to some celebrities words, the author also uses some common body languag

    The paper is pided into five parts. Part One introduces body language and analysis the definition of body language; in addition to some celebrities’ words, the author also uses some common body languages to make reader further understand the definition of body languages. Part Two is the current situation of using body language in English teaching in senior high school; first, English is reformed in the college entrance examination; second, teachers’ body languages are simple and have too much voluntary actions. Part Three is the significance of body language in English teaching in senior high school; it can smooth the relationship between teachers and students. The body language expression shortens the distance between teachers and students. Based on positive emotions, it can also stimulate the teachers and students’ enthusiasm and wisdom. Part Four is the main body. This part introduces body language’s application in English in senior high school. It includes the necessaries and the skills of body languages in English teaching in senior high school. The author uses the theories of psychology to interpret the necessaries of body languages for English teaching and interprets the skills of body languages in English teaching in senior school by feelings, games and so on. Finally, it is the conclusion of the whole paper.
    In classroom, the use of body language will help teachers express their own ideas and thoughts accurately and lively. And classroom atmosphere will relax and cheerful, then teachers have beautiful feelings; students can also concentrate their attention on the classroom.

II. General Analysis of Body Language

2.1 The Definition of Body Language
    Before telling the author’s learning experience, the first one is body language. Body language belongs to the nonverbal. Jiang Yang (2009: 25-145) thinks body language is also called pasture language, and people express thoughts or emotions with the help of body pasture and facial expressions, in addition to using words. But Xie, Chen and other people (2006: 8) think body language is a kind of symbolic system with using the head, arms, body and face together to cooperate to complete the language transfer. At the same time, Kasikci (2003: 12(6)-26) who is in America, says body language is a way of communication of language. It is the promoter and amplifier in communicating. Batltas (2002: 11-17) says oral language hasn’t develop, and the human have used body language to communicate. People share their feelings, thoughts, desire and demand with others by body language.
    From domestic and abroad on the body language’s definition: Basically body language is facial expressions, head movements, arm movements and symbol of conveying information. Then,  how does body language affect me? Is it necessary to teach in English in senior high school? According to the investigation found that a high level of teachers’ 90% of the classroom organization and management behavior use the nonverbal.
2.2 Some Common Body Languages
    Once I read an article and it says 35% information is transferred by language and the other 65% are done by nonverbal language. Whatever you agree or not, you must admit that body language has great significance in people’s communication. Can you believe in me ? let’s looked these nonverbal languages as follows.
   1. Eye contract: Eyes can signal interest, boredom, empathy, hostility, sadness, understanding and other messages. It refers to the study of messages and information expressed by eyes, such as eye contact, eye movements or pupil dilation. And eye contact plays a very important role in communication between students and teachers, especially when students distract or are shy; eye movement is the first distinguishing feature by people deserving during interaction between teachers and students in classroom. People spend plenty of time watching each others’ eyes, for one's eye behaviors can express almost numerous messages to his or her communicators. A study shows two conversationalists usually adds up 30%-60% of the whole conversation during the time of eye contact. If the two people are on good friendship or familiar terms, the times can reach 70%. 肢体语言在高中英语教学中的应用(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_39678.html