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时间:2020-01-16 16:06来源:英语论文
4 3.3.1 Questionnaires 4 3.3.2 Interviews 4 4. Results and Discussion 4 4.1 Data Analysis of Questionnaires 4 4.1.1 Questionnaire 1 for Students 4 4.1.2 Questionnaire 2 for Teachers 4 4.2 Analysis of


3.3.1 Questionnaires 4

3.3.2 Interviews 4

4. Results and Discussion 4

4.1 Data Analysis of Questionnaires 4

4.1.1 Questionnaire 1 for Students 4

4.1.2 Questionnaire 2 for Teachers 4

4.2 Analysis of Interviews 4

4.3 Discussion 4

5. Conclusion 4

5.1 Findings 4

5.2 Suggestions 4

5.3 Limitations 4

References 4

Appendixes 4

Appendix 1 4

Appendix 2 4

1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays group cooperative learning is applied in almost all school content areas and, increasingly, in college and university contexts all over the world (Johnson & Johnson, 1989; Kessler, 1992). Group cooperative learning is considered to be first put forward by American educator Dewey in the early 20th century and then has developed and improved in the United States. Many experts and scholars have studied and done researches on this method, making its positive influence on learning. It is generally asserted that group cooperative learning is the best option for all students because it emphasizes active interaction between students of perse abilities and backgrounds (Nelson, Gallagher, & Coleman, 1993; Tsai, 1998; Wei, 1997; Yu, 1995).

The great success that group cooperative learning achieves in western education didn’t attract China’s attention until the end of 1980s, when Department of Education in University made experiments on group cooperative learning and realized the significance of it (Tan Yong, 2009). Since then other parts of China have joined the queue and found its deep influence on students’ learning. New English Curriculum Standards (2001) made by National Ministry of Education also carried out a new teaching approach, and since then group cooperative learning has come into the course of English teaching gradually. The revision of New English Curriculum Standards (2011) attaches importance to learning process, which emphasizes participation and cooperation, to develop students’ learning attitudes, form effective learning strategies and become self-regulated learners. Therefore, group cooperative learning is advocated greatly and becomes a main part of teaching method in most junior high schools in Hangzhou, especially in English classes.

Although it is new to Chinese teachers and students, the concept of group cooperative learning is advanced, which is quite different from traditional teaching method. It is centered on cooperation as students are the leader in class. It aims at teamwork and progress together. It makes education up to a certain height. It has been wildly used in daily foreign language teaching. However, we have to admit that it causes problems when applied in China’s class. Group cooperative learning has high demands on both teachers and students. Teachers should have a profound knowledge of its essence and combine the class with it properly and effectively. Students should actively participate and become the main character in it. Therefore, whether group cooperative learning fits Chinese students well is not certain. Its practical application in junior English teaching is yet to be researched into. 

1.2 Significance of the Study

During the internship in No.15 Middle School, the author has found different opinions towards the application of group cooperative learning, from both English teachers and students. Some teachers love it and receive effective results from students, but some teachers do not consider it that useful for students to learn, so they give up this method. Some students have fun and learn a lot through group cooperative learning, but some students think it is difficult and boring to adapt to. The author has also asked other interns in other junior high schools about this situation and interviewed some English teachers about this method, and it seems that the present group cooperative learning actually has some drawbacks. In other words, teachers and students confront many difficulties and problems when applying group cooperative learning in English teaching. 英语论文初中英语课堂小组合作学习存在的问题的研究(2):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_45202.html
