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时间:2020-02-18 10:53来源:英语论文
Financial channel in Ifeng Net: This is probably a core problem. Since your public recognition is huge and influence is enormous, it results in a number of business plans flooding in. There must be th

Financial channel in Ifeng Net: This is probably a core problem. Since your public recognition is huge and influence is enormous, it results in a number of business plans flooding in. There must be the good and the bad in it. Even it is hardly to tell which one has the real commercial intentions and which one has the crazy behavior of super fans.
Ren Quan: Hope to develop Star VC into a platform of entrepreneurship for the young.
Ren Quan: Read. Each business plan would be read. Though some of them in the earlier stages are only simple ideas, I think it might be not so mature. As for some projects, we might have not seen or heard it. We may share with many organizations consequently. We think that in the future STAR VC will still be acted as a platform. It is a platform that everyone can find projects in.
Financial channel in Ifeng Net: What do you think that the reason why entrepreneurs choose you?
Ren Quan: I think that they may be attracted by our brand. Because, to me, there is no concern in expressing one of my most important points when we investing each other. In other words, only when you have requirements to our brand or you must be demanding a lot for our brand, can we cooperate with each other.
Financial channel in Ifeng Net: Your resources of stars can help your entrepreneurs.
Ren Quan: Hope to have resources integration with investees.
Ren Quan: Yes, as to our STAR VC’s brand awareness, many products may need that impetus. Thus when we have cooperation with him, whether can we promote this product or not and how can we make promotion on it? That is so important to think about it, which needs the resources integration.
Financial channel in Ifeng Net: Recently, two projects – HSTYLE and Miaopai have been released. Both of them are internet projects. One is e–business, the other is about utility class. Whether it is your future direction to do projects related with internet?
Ren Quan: Indeed, internet is very popular currently. And I also think it is really an opportunity for the Age of the internet. We want to try our best to invest some enterprises that change the lifestyle of me and of those around me.
Recently, the Continent directed by Han Han has won high box office, which has made traditional movie industry impacted by fans economy. Senior Moviemakers spend two years in making a film, but what it comes out is not better than those directed by fresh moviemakers. Fans also become the trump card of all celebrities among different circles. Whether Guo Jingming, a moviemaker transforming by an author worked on films that won several billion box offices or Luo Yonghao transformed by an English teacher won warm welcomed by producing Smartisan phones, both of them relied on their high popularity in their original industries. Consequently, from film and television industry to investment industry, Ren Quan and his partners Huang Xiaoming, Li Bingbing have plenty of fans in movie and television circles. As a result, it must win high attention for the enterprises that they invest. 《明星老板任泉》翻译研究(3):http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_46273.html