In short, the study about inpidualism and collectivism never stops although there have been quite a lot of disputes.
从饮食文化差异分析中美核心价值观差异(3): short, the study about inpidualism and collectivism never stops although there have been quite a lot of disputes.
从饮食文化差异分析中美核心价值观差异(3): Implicature in the Dialogues of Sherlock,英语论文《神探夏洛...
A Comparative Study of Enterprising Culture on Business Advertisements between Ch...
On the Characteristics of English Animal Idioms and English-to-Chinese Translatio...
On the Cultural Differences of English and Chinese Advertisements,英语论文对...
The Problems and Strategies of English Writing in Middle School,英语论文初中...
A Contrast of Differences of Politeness Principle Between Chinese and Britain Cu...