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时间:2021-08-18 19:34来源:英语论文
An Analysis of Chinese Internet Buzzwords from the Perspective of Sociocultural Environment,英语论文从社会与文化角度分析中国网络热词

An Analysis of Chinese Internet Buzzwords from the Perspective of Sociocultural Environment Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet, the number of Chinese Internet buzzwords increases dramatically recent years. Buzzword, a word or phrase that becomes very popular for a period of time, may still have the full meaning when used in certain contexts.71023

As a variety of Internet language, Internet buzzwords also have the same relation to society and culture. The relationship between language, society and culture arouses disputations of Chinese and western philosophers and linguistics. Language, society and culture are so closely intertwined. Language is used to maintain and convey culture and cultural ties. One’s sociocultural value shapes his thoughts as well as identity, and thus influences his behavior and the use of language.

This thesis firstly introduces the definition of buzzword, its relation to society and culture as a variation of language, and some background, which includes review on the study of literature findings and Chinese Internet buzzwords development. The relationship between language, society and culture is explained thoroughly with the combination of certain Chinese Internet buzzwords. The analysis is in progress from different perspectives: globalization, identity, socialization and new media culture.

Basing on the above background information, this thesis further explains the importance of studying language with the consideration of society and culture, and facilities a better understanding towards Chinese Internet buzzwords. 

Keywords: Internet buzzwords; Internet community; social identity; new media culture


摘  要随着近几年互联网的快速发展,我国的网络流行语不断涌现并急剧增长。热词是指在某段时间流行起来的一个词或一个短语。虽然本身简短精炼,热词在特定的语境中仍可能有完整的意义表达。




毕业论文关键词:网络热词;网络社群; 社会身份;新媒体文化


1. Introduction 1

1.1 The definition of buzzword 1

1.2 The purpose and significance of the research 1

1.3 The background of the research 1

1.4 The organization of the thesis 2

2. Literature review 3

3. The relationships between language, society and culture 5

3.1 Language, society and culture 5

3.1.1 The definitions of language, society and culture respectively 5

3.1.2 Language and society 从社会与文化角度分析中国网络热词:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_80564.html
