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时间:2024-08-11 09:15来源:96346



An Analysis of Farmers' Willingness to Participate in New Agricultural Insurance and Its Influencing Factors - Based on the Investigation of Typical Farmers

Abstract:This paper mainly studies the willingness of farmers to participate in the new agricultural insurance and their insured behavior, starting from the concept and basic system of the new agricultural insurance, and then briefly introduces the basic situation of the area and sample surveyed. According to the comprehensive questionnaire survey, The analysis of farmers' willingness to participate in the new agricultural insurance, as well as the actual situation of insured and insured reasons, from which the problems found in the new farmers and farmers affected the insured factors, mainly inpiduals, families and three aspects  of the country. Through the above analysis, some suggestions are put forward to improve the enthusiasm of farmers. Improve the farmers participating rate, but also for the follow-up development of new agricultural insurance to provide some suggestions to enable the new agricultural insurance to achieve sustainable development.

Keyword:New rural endowment insurance; participation in willingness; participation in behavior


0引言 1

1新农保的概念 1

1.1新农保的由来 1

1.2新旧农保的区别 2

1.3新农保的政策体系 2

2调查区域概况与样本特征 3

2.1调查区域概况 3

2.2研究样本特征 4

3 农户的参保影响因素 5

3.1农户对新农保的了解认知 5

3.2家庭特征影响对新农保的需求度 8

3.3社会环境影响新农保的实施效果 13

3.4国家政策提高农户对新农保的认可度 13

4对策建议 14

4.1加强农户对新农保认知 14

4.2提高基层工作人员服务水平 14

4.3完善新农保基金管理 14

4.4建立健全新农保制度 15

4.5因地制宜发展新农保体系 15

结论 16

致谢 17

参考文献 18

附录 19



社会保障制度是国家的基本社会经济制度,是社会稳定的重要保证,也是社会文明进步的重要标志。中央和国务院非常重视社会保障工作,从党的十六大以来,我们坚持以人为本、全面协调的科学发展观,更加重视保障、改善民生,在社会保障体系建设中采取新举措。党和政府建立了城镇居民基本医疗保险制度和新型农村合作医疗制度;实行城乡医疗救助制度,大力提高新改革基础医疗水平。这些制度的建立和完善将使越来越多的城乡居民享受到福利,使我们更贴近人人享有的基本社会保障目标。国家颁布新农保制度就是为了努力保障当下人们养老生活。 农户参加新农保的意愿及其影响因素分析:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_204482.html
