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时间:2024-08-18 09:09来源:96580
51单片机智能小车循迹避障系统设计+源程序,研究能够自动循迹避障的智能小车,小车以 51 单片机为核 心,红外传感器和软硬件的结合。





Abstract:With the rapid development of computer and microelectronics technology, intelligent car applications more and more widely, has become a lot of enterprise production line automation direction. And tracking, obstacle avoidance is the basic requirements of intelligent car to work properly.

In this paper, the working principle of the hardware part related to tracking and obstacle avoidance is analyzed. According to the characteristics of different reflectivity of different colors, the tracking procedure on the fixed track is written. According to the reflected signal , To determine the location of obstacles to achieve turn left, turn right way to achieve the barrier. Through the different PWM control of the motor speed and direction of rotation. The use of tracking, the principle of obstacle avoidance and motor control principle, the preparation of a fixed track in the process of car can avoid obstacles in the process.

Experimental results show that: the use of the above principles designed by the intelligent car, to the black line to achieve tracking function, but also to determine the front with or without obstacles and to avoid obstacles, to meet the requirements of intelligent car tracking obstacles.

keyword:Intelligent     car;Tracking;Avoidance;Infrared


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及目的意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国外发展状况 1

1.2.2国内发展状况 2

1.3论文组织架构 4

1.4本章小结 5

第二章智能小车硬件分析 6

2.1车体概述 6

2.2循迹模块 7

2.3避障模块 9

2.4电机驱动模块 11

2.4.1电机驱动原理 11

2.4.2直流电机 12

2.4.3PWM电机调速原理 13

2.5本章小结 14

第三章智能小车的循迹避障算法设计 15

3.1智能小车的循迹 15

3.1.1智能小车的循迹原理 15

3.1.2智能小车的循迹算法 15

3.1.3智能小车的循迹流程图 16

3.2智能小车的避障 17 51单片机智能小车循迹避障系统设计+源程序:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_204548.html
