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时间:2023-10-01 21:57来源:毕业论文

摘   要


The law of liberalism is the embodiment of liberal philosophy in the field of law, the law is one of the important schools of modern western liberalism, and it mainly discusses the law of freedom and rule, freedom and society, freedom and democracy, freedom and law etc。 However, in early sixteenth Century, it has been first expounded on the theory of freedom and this is La Boetie, this book is "La servitude volontaire"。 La Boetie is a little-known sixteenth Century French thinker, he expounded on the theory of freedom under the theory of the seeds for the eruption of French Revolution buried, he thought the man was born free, and not deprived of freedom of rulers, as long as everyone refused to grant the ruler of his freedom, so totalitarian politics will no longer exist。 But La Boetie also pointed out the status quo: using a variety of methods to rule the rulers of the people forget for free or give up the fight for freedom, in the course of time, people have formed a habit of slavery, slavery personality, freedom eventually disappeared。 La Boetie used many examples to demonstrate it。 The theory of voluntary slavery not only influenced a large number of thinkers in the period of the French Revolution, but also influenced the present legal thought。 Therefore, it is of great theoretical value to study the theory of voluntary slavery, which can be applied to the hot issues such as corruption, anti-terrorism, death penalty and so on。


Keyword: Liberalism; Voluntary slavery ; Government; Natural State

目 录

前言 5

一、 作者生平介绍及写作背景 6

(一)作者生平 6

(二)写作背景 7

二、 自由的起源 7

(一)何为自由 8

1、自由的含义 8

2、自由与法律的关系 9

(二)自由作为自然状态的原因 10

(三)自由的适度让与 11

三、 自由的丧失 12

(一) 统治者角度 13 评《论自愿为奴》自由的基因:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_196576.html
