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时间:2018-04-02 15:11来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 国际化;优势;劣势;竞争者;文化本土化;竞争策略  
The marketing strategy study Chinese software enterprises internationalization
--take yonyou company as an example
Abstract: Today, almost all of the world's leading software companies have already knocking on the door of the Chinese market, they bring a wide range of advanced products, technologies and solutions. The Chinese market is a delicious cake, how to share and embarked on the road of internationalization has become a problem of China's software enterprises. n this paper,based on the study of international development at yonyou software.Yonyou is now the country's leading software companies, but on the road towards internationalization is facing many difficulties. Articles from the current situation of Yonyou's domestic development, analyzes the advantages in the domestic yonyou Software, and the face of foreign software companies technically inferior, domestic competitors to follow closely behind, cultural localization of foreign software companies to compete. Combined with the  current situation of China's industry, put forward the corresponding competitive strategy.
Keywords: internationalization; advantage; disadvantage; competitors; localization culture; Competitive Strategy
一、绪论    1
(一)课题研究的目的与意义    1
(二)课题研究的现状和发展趋势    1
二、我国软件企业产品特点和国际化发展现状    3
(一)国际化定义    3
(二)国际化的特点    3
(三)用友公司国内发展状况    3
(四)用友公司的产品与国际品牌产品的差异    5
1、产品介绍    5
2、用友的产品与国外Oracle产品的比较    5
(五)国际化前景    6
三、中国软件企业国际化营销可能遇到的问题    8
(一)缺乏强有力地品牌    8
(二)国内国际化也面临挑战    8
(三)人力资源管理    8
(四)组织战略管理    9
(五)核心技术的开发    9
(优尔)文化差异    9
四、用友国际化环境分析    10
(一)政治法律环境    10
(二)经济环境    10
(三)社会环境    10
(四)技术环境    11
(五)基于不同环境的PEST分析    11
1、东南亚地区PEST分析图    11
2、欧洲地区PEST分析图    12
3、美国PEST分析图    12
五、用友公司的国际化营销策略    13
(一)国际化营销进入的模式与途径    13
1、形成战略联盟    13
2、“借船出海”    13
3、合资方式营销策略    13 用友软件企业国际化营销策略研究+PEST分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_12247.html