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时间:2024-05-03 09:10来源:95265



Research on Transformer Production Schedule Management Based on Key Chain in zhongtian company

Abstract:With the increase in enterprise competition and the scale of production,the implementation of multi-project management has become a common phenomenon. This will require critical chain project management to move from a single project environment to a multi-project environment.Based on the background of transformer production in Zhongtian Company,this paper puts forward the improved project priority evaluation method for item priority ranking in critical chain multi-project management,and the improvement method and related index of resource balance optimization.By constructing a multi-project environment in which the company produces two products in parallel,it is applied to the company's multi-project schedule. Based on the implementation steps of critical chain project management,the priority order of the two projects is first obtained according to the project priority evaluation method. Then,on the basis of identifying the bottleneck process and developing the multi-project schedule based on the bottleneck process,applying the improved ACTIM method to solve the resource conflict between non-critical processes,and then eliminating the safety time of the processes,determining the critical chain in the multi-project schedule under the adjusted resource balance,and finally importing the buffer zone computing through the comprehensive evaluation method to the end of the link to determine the critical chain after the change,consequently,it contributes to a multi-project schedule based on critical chain,and eventually makes the project duration shorter than the original 9.5 days.

Keywords:multi-project management;critical chain;transformer production


1.绪论 1

1.1 选题背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容与技术路线 3

2.相关理论基础 4

2.1 项目进度管理 4

2.2 关键链 5

2.3 资源均衡优化 5

3.中天变压器生产进度管理现状和问题分析 8

3.1 计划进度管理现状 9

3.2 问题产生和原因分析 10

4.基于关键链的多项目进度优化方案 11

4.1 项目优先级排序 关键链的中天变压器生产进度管理研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_203631.html
