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时间:2024-10-09 22:36来源:97808




Application of Six Sigma management method in Delphi

Abstract: Delphi is a supplier of automotive parts and components, but the proportion of wire rod products is the most important one. The company has carried out the construction of the enterprise's management organizational structure, which has enabled the company's management organization structure to develop into a modern enterprise, and has actively implemented the 6-sigma management method within the company. At present, the company still has many problems in the implementation of the 6-sigma management law. It urgently needs to carry out a systematic analysis of the current management model, analyzes the existing problems and factors, and finally finds out specific measures and methods for solving these problems and promotes the enterprise. The continuous development of comprehensive strength.

In this paper, after researching the effects of Delphi's implementation of the 6-sigma management method, research and investigation, interviews, comparisons, and questionnaires were used to identify problems in the company's implementation of 6-sigma, which mainly included companies. There is no active coordination and strong support for this management method among senior management personnel. The brain drain within the company is very serious. The person in charge of implementing this management law has problems in ability and does not improve the company’s internal evaluation system. For the above problems, the main recommendations in this paper are to strengthen the communication and management within the company, promote the understanding and understanding of the management personnel of the company, improve the evaluation system, and improve the company's training and appointment system.

Keywords: Six Sigma; HR Management;  Employment System; Six Sigma Evaluation


引言 1

一、6-sigma管理法概述 2

(一)6-sigma管理法的产生与发展 2

(二)6-sigma管理法的应用 3

(三)6-sigma管理法研究现状分析 5

二、德尔福公司及其6-sigma管理法的介绍 7

(一)公司简介 7

(二)德尔福6-sigma管理法的组织架构及职能 8

(三)实施6-sigma管理法的五个阶段和十二个步骤 六西格玛管理法在德尔福派克电气系统公司的应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204814.html
