A study on the residents' participation in Rural Tourism -- a case study of Zhenjiang
Abstract:As the main part of rural tourism, the active participation of community residents in the development of tourism can successfully promote the development of rural tourism, and make the high level community integrated tourism planning bring greater social and economic benefits. However, rural tourism programs often give more attention to economic gains and visitor satisfaction, with less emphasis placed on the participation of local communities. Zhenjiang as a country with lots of tourism resources, promote community participation in tourism development is not fully reflected, through the analysis of the present situation of Zhenjiang rural tourism, study the The current situation and main problems of community participation in rural tourism development, hoping to promote Zhenjiang tourism achieve sustainable development, while improving the persity of life of local residents.
Keywords: Community participation; rural tourism;Zhenjiang .
目 录
0引言 01
1社区参与旅游及乡村旅游的概念、研究现状及其意义 01
1.1社区参与旅游及乡村旅游概念界定 01
1.1.1社区参与的概念 01
1.1.2乡村旅游的概念 02
1.2国内外研究现状 02
1.3社区参与乡村旅游发展的意义 03
1.3.1有利于提高政府决策的公平性 03
1.3.2有利于提高参与居民的素质 03
1.3.3有利于解决农村剩余劳动力 04
2国内社区参与乡村旅游发展情况概述 04
2.1社区居民参与旅游发展的意识淡薄 05
2.2缺乏社区居民参与旅游发展的良好经济环境 05
2.3旅游行政部门对社区居民参与旅游发展的影响力小 06
3镇江乡村旅游地的居民社区参与旅游发展现状、问题及成因分析 06
3.1镇江社区参与乡村旅游发展现状 06
3.2镇江乡村旅游地的社区居民参与旅游发展的问题及成因 07
3.2.1旅游资源及社区条件的局限 07
3.2.2旅游相关企业对社区参与发展的负面影响 08
3.2.3政府对引导居民参与旅游发展的工作不足 09
4提高镇江社区参与旅游发展的对策及建议 09
4.1提高当地居民的自身文化素质及参与服务的意识 镇江乡村旅游地居民社区参与问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_204881.html