摘要:会展业作为一种新型产业,受到我国各个大城市的关注,会展经济也成了各个地方的争相发展的经济支柱。这几年,中国会展市场增长速度达到20%, 但是比较知名的品牌展会并不多。本文通过结合当前国内外会展行业现状,浅析我国会展行业在发展中遇到的瓶颈问题,并且就如何培育展会品牌提出可行策略。作为新兴的现代服务业代表之一的会展行业,不仅可以促进一个城市、一个地区乃至一个国家的经济发展。首先培育出品牌展会是展会行业中的重要发展方向,其次品牌展会的建立也是一个城市或地区综合实力的外在体现。目前国外知名的品牌展会已经不仅仅是以展会的形式而存在,更多的是一种号召力的体现。 47054
毕业论文关键字:会展 品牌 问题 对策 忠诚度
Analysis on how to build brand exhibition
Abstract: as a new type of industry, exhibition industry has been concerned by all the big cities of our country, and the exhibition economy has become the economic pillar of the development of each place. In recent years, China's exhibition market growth rate reached 20%, but the lack of well-known brand exhibition. This paper is to rely on the background of this exhibition, analysis of China's Convention and exhibition industry in the brand shaping existing problems, and put forward to develop the brand exhibition and the feasibility of the strategy, to promote China's Convention and exhibition industry in the brand construction. Convention and exhibition industry is a kind of new modern service industry, which plays an important role in the economic development of a city or even a country. Convention and exhibition brand building is a necessary means to improve the competitiveness of the exhibition, and secondly, the construction of exhibition brand in the city's development has its delivery, cohesion and measure the value of a city's strength. Many international famous exhibition has become a symbol of the brand, a kind of professional appeal
Key words: exhibition , brand, problem, countermeasure, loyalty
一、绪论 4
1.1 研究意义 4
1.2 研究背景 4
1.3 研究综述 5
二、品牌会展的理论研究 7
2.1 会展品牌的概念 7
2.2 会展品牌的特征 7
2.3 会展品牌塑造影响因素分析 7
2.3.1 会展组织 7
2.3.2 明确品牌形象定位,提升会展品牌忠诚度 8
三、国外品牌展会发展分析 9
3.1国外品牌展会的主要特点 9
3.2国外品牌展会成功的原因 10
四、品牌展会案例分析---华交会 12
4.1华交会品牌塑造历程分析 12
4.2华交会品牌塑造的相关因素分析 12
4.2.1会展本体层面 12
4.2.2会展经营管理层面 13
五、我国会展品牌建设中国存在的问题 14
六、塑造品牌展会的对策 15
6.1政府培育品牌 15
6.2企业打造品牌 15
6.3媒体宣传品牌 浅析如何塑造品牌展会:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_48982.html