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时间:2020-05-19 19:49来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 必胜客;人力资源;工作职责;培训;薪酬管理

Human resource management research of pizza hut

Abstract:In recent years, the market economy is developing with astonishing speed, the reform of state-owned enterprises has also been gradually deepened, and the power of the development of enterprise competition is the key to winning is the advanced human resource system and enterprise culture. In this paper, through the analysis of the pizza hut of human resource management, To carry on the rational allocation of human resources, mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, play the potential of employees, for example, pizza hut,are presented in this paper to study the human resource management of pizza hut, sums up the problems existing in the human resources management of pizza hut, staffs loss serious, for example, lack of enthusiasm, The efficiency is very low , pizza hut to human resources to provide the reference for the future development.

Keywords:  Pizza hut; Human Resources; Job responsibilities; training; salary administration

目  录

引言 1

一、绪论 2

(一)问题的提出 2

(二)研究的目的 2

(三)研究的方法 2

二、人力资源管理概述 3

(一)人力资源管理的含义及内容 3

(二)人力资源管理研究现状分析 5

三、必胜客简介 8

(一)必胜客的发展现状 8

(二)必胜客的组织构架 9

四、必胜客人力资源管理现状分析 12

(一)人员的招聘与培训 12

1.人员招聘 12

2.培训需求分析 12

(二)员工的薪酬管理 14

1.薪酬基本情况 14

2.薪酬制度 15

(三)员工仪容仪表管理规定 15

五、必胜客人力资源管理存在的问题 16

(一)人员流失严重 16

(二)员工缺乏工作积极性 17

(三)员工工作效率低 18

六、关于必胜客人力资源管理问题的对策与建议 19

(一)建立定期考核晋升制度 必胜客的人力资源管理研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_52098.html
