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时间:2022-05-09 23:11来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:  差异化战略;竞争市场;企业战略管理

The study of The Differentiation strategy of Weidmüller

Abstract:With the rapid development of economy and technology, the phenomenon of product homogeneity becomes more and more obvious。 So, in order to highlight their own characteristics, more and more enterprises choose differentiation strategy to win a place for themselves。 However, these companies will also face with problems and risks when they implement a differentiated strategy。 In this paper, Weidmüller (Shanghai) Co。, Ltd。 is used as an example to study the differentiation strategy。 The paper will analysise the advantages that the differentiation strategy brings to Weidmüller through the research of the differentiation of Weidmüller in product, service and marketing。 The paper will compare Weidmüller with its competitors, Phoenix and Siemens, to analyze the advantages or disadvantages the company has。  The paper will raise the problems Weidmüller faces with and put forward the ideas and methods to solve the problem。 In addition, the differentiation strategy is not perfect, so this paper will also introduce the risks Weidmüller takes when it implement differentiated strategy, and put forward the corresponding solution for these risks。

Key Words:The differentiation strategy;competitive market;Enterprise strategic managemen。

目  录

一、绪论 1

(一) 课题研究的目的与意义 1

(二) 课题研究的现状和发展趋势 1

(三) 研究内容 2

(四) 研究方法 3

二、 差异化战略概述 4

(一) 差异化战略的基本类型 4

1、 产品差异化 4

2、 服务差异化 4

3、 人事差异化 4

4、 品牌差异化 4

(二) 企业实施差异化战略的案例 5

1、 小米手机的差异化战略 5

2、 海尔家电的差异化战略 5

(三) 差异化战略的优势 6

1、 提高顾客忠诚度 6

2、 提高销售业绩,获得更高利润 6

3、 促进企业发展 6

三、魏德米勒公司的差异化战略 7

(一) 企业背景 7
