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时间:2022-07-21 21:30来源:毕业论文



Marketing Strategy for Cosmetics Based on Group Psychology of Consumers

Abstract: The rational use of herd psychosocial development of marketing strategies, can greatly improve the sales of cosmetics。 This article studies on the herd mentality of cosmetics consumers in the process of consumption。 Firstly, to define the characteristics of herd mentality, and to analyze its formation cause。 Secondly, according to the characteristics of cosmetics marketing, to analyze the influence of the herd mentality for consumers when buying cosmetics, and to demonstrate its advantages and disadvantages, so that the reader can clearly understand the affections of herd mentality and conformity behavior in consumer’s purchase process。 Thirdly, analyzing the marketing strategy of L'OREAL cosmetics by means of marketing analysis tools, and providing some theoretical support for the combination of herd mentality and traditional marketing strategy。 Finally, to constitutes cosmetics marketing strategy based on analysis about conformity, providing a reference for managers and marketing staff to develop marketing management plan, also indicating a rational consumer orientation。


Keywords: Consumer; Conformity; Psychology; Cosmetic, Marketing Strategy


一、绪论 1

(一)研究的目的和意义 1

(二)国内外研究现状 1

(三)研究内容 2

二、从众心理及营销策略理论概述 3

(一)从众心理概述 3

1、心理学视角下的从众心理 3

2、社会学视角下的从众心理 3

(二)从众心理的形成原因 4

1、少数服从多数思想意识的影响 4

2、心理压力因素的影响 4

3、心理不确定性需求的影响 4

4、恐惧心理对从众行为的影响 4

(三)从众行为的影响因素 5

1、群体因素 5

2、情境因素 5

3个体因素 5

(四)营销理论 5

1、SWOT分析法 6

2、STP分析法 6

3、4P营销策略 6

三、从众心理对化妆品消费者的影响分析 7

1、产品功效起决定作用 基于消费者从众心理的化妆品营销策略+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_96777.html
