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时间:2024-09-24 22:11来源:97406



Analysis on the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Sponsor System

Abstract:February 1, 2004, China Securities Regulatory Commission promulgated the implementation of the "securities issuance and listing sponsor system Interim Measures", marking the origins of the British second board market, also used in the US NASDAQ market and the HK GEM market in China The sponsor system was officially introduced into China. The sponsor's organization not only recommends the listing of the business, but must also continue to assume a series of security and regulatory duties. 13 years sponsor system for the development of China's securities market building blocks, made an indelible contribution, but at the same time still exposed a lot of shortcomings, these drawbacks have also led to serious economic problems and social problems. So whether the policy makers, enterprises or investors are on the sponsor system reform eagerly hope. And this article is to study what is the sponsor, what is the sponsor system, the origin of the sponsor system and the introduction of the sponsor system for the Chinese securities market and the whole society, the positive role and negative effects, and how to improve the sponsor system.The author argues that the sponsor system still plays a huge role in the securities market, but the increasingly prominent ills need to be solved. At the same time, the securities issuance  market should also be put on the agenda of the market-oriented reform.

Keywords:Sponsor; sponsor system;advantages and disadvantages of sponsor system; improvement of sponsor system

0引言 1

1保荐人制度的演变 2

1.1保荐人制度的产生背景 3

1.2保荐人制度的建立和发展 3

2保荐人制度的实施功效 4

2.1对证券发行制度的完善 4

2.2助力中小型企业的成长 5

2.3对广大投资者的保障 6

3保荐人制度的弊病 6

3.1保荐人的能力和素质局限 7

3.2保荐人制度的机制缺陷 8

4保荐人制度的改善 10

4.1对于保荐人和保荐机构的改善 10

4.2对于保荐人制度和法律层面的改善 保荐人制度利弊分析:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_204734.html
