



     Abstract Construction unit project schedule control is an important link of project management work.Progress of the projects is not only the core question concerned by construction unit,Also affect the construction unit of the whole project investment economic efficiency and economic benefits.Progress of speed is directly related to the interests of the construction unit.Can at the same time, the progress control is also related to improve the level of project management and the important content of project investment cost, shorten the construction period.Therefore, explore and study the schedule control of construction project, the construction unit has the very vital significance.

    Based on project schedule management research status at home and abroad and the current situation of the construction unit to the project schedule management, on the basis of the brief analysis,Aiming at the problems existing in the project schedule control,Combination of nanshan nursing homes are analyzed from the aspects of multiple factors that influence the progress of construction,And for the schedule control theory, expounds the principles, methods, ways and so on,Organization measures, technical measures, the contract is adopted measures, economic measures, and information management measures for process control,Combined with the specific measures to ensure the implementation of the schedule, to ensure that the construction unit to achieve the goals of progress.

    Keywords: development organization construction unit; progress of works ; control

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景、目的及意义 1

    1.1.1 研究背景 1

    1.1.2 研究目的与意义 2

    1.1.3 项目进度管理国内外研究现状 2

    1.2  进度控制中存在的问题 4

    1.3  研究内容 5

    第二章 进度管理基本原理 6

    2.1  动态控制原理 6

    2.2  系统原理 6

    2.3  信息反馈原理 6

    2.4  弹性原理 6

    2.5  封闭循环原理 7

    2.6  网络计划技术原理 7

    第三章  进度管理工具——网络计划技术 8

    3.1  网络计划技术简介

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