
       In architectural design Shall be according to requirements,combined with the knowledge of fire safety arrangement of doors,  walkways and stairs.General requirements for The building have two or two or more exits,Avoid causing serious casualties.The building is underground construction,So set two safe evacuation exit.In the entrance of the fire resistance of not less than the wall at 2.00h and B separated by fire doors,Meanwhile safe evacuation staircase width of 1.5m.Safe evacuation distance of 60m.Safe evacuation routes is office area - corridor - the front room - the stairwell.
       When i doing the outdoor fire hydrant design.I made the building used ss100/65 type outdoor ground fire hydrant .Has a diameter of 100mm and a diameter of 65mm 2 plug port.Outdoor fire hydrant should be evenly arranged along the high-rise buildings. Hydrant distance from the high-rise building facades should not be less than 5.00m,and not more than 40m. Hydrant distance Should not be greater than the distance from the roadside 2.00m.Outdoor fire hydrant along the road set Spacing of 100m.Hydrant protection radius is 130m.The number of outdoor fire hydrant in Section 7.2.2 of this specification shall be prescribed by the outdoor fire hydrant water calculated and determined,Each of fire hydrant water consumption should be 10 ~ 15L / s.
       The design of indoor fire hydrant fire water supply system and life production water supply system set independently,And water pipes arranged in a ring.Fire hydrant water consumption is designed to 40L / s.First calculate the gun's enrich the water column,By enrich the water column calculated hydrant protection radius and risers root number,Riser number was 6.Calculated by means of hydraulic pressure and head loss,Then choose XBD10/45-1150.50 fire pump.After calculation, fire hydrant spacing arranged 21.6m, set six fire risers, fire hydrant water supply pipeline flow 43.42L / s.
       The design objects danger level is in danger level Ⅱ. Then i find out that the Automatic sprinkler system sprinkler intensity 8L/min-1 • m-2 time. Selection of the side length of the square arrangement 3.3m.A nozzle for maximum protection Area of should not exceed 11.5m2.Active area is 160m2. Number is active area 15 within the nozzle,Flow rate of 47L / s. So i choose KQL125/370-22/4 centrifugal pump spray pump.
       The main function of the building is for office and ancillary commercial buildings. So set to medium danger level.Fires type is Class A fires.In the design process,The underground layer is pided into three computing unit.And determine the protection Area of.According to the calculation of the unit cell area of domestic demand with the lowest level of extinguishing.Portable fire extinguishers maximum protection distance is 20m,Then simplify the design method to determine the protective circle extinguisher set point,underground layer set 18 set point.underground floors set 24 set points .Determine the Each of design elements set point with the minimum required level of extinguishing.Each of place to put an ammonium phosphate dry powder fire extinguisher.
    Key words: safe evacuation; sprinkler system; for fire hydrant water supply systems, fire extinguishers
    1绪论    1
     1.1我国地下建筑消防安全现状    1
       1.1.1地下建筑消防安全问题    1
       1.1.2 消防安全管理对策    2
     1.2设计依据    3
      1.2.1地理位置    3
      1.2.2工程概况    3
      1.2.3设计任务    3
      1.2.4设计标准及规范    3
     1.3设计内容    4
    2建筑分类和耐火等级确定    5
     2.1建筑分类    5
     2.2建筑耐火等级确定    5
    3 建筑总平面防火设计    7
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