摘要扶壁式结构在中国南方使用比较广泛,它的特点是结构简单、 施工速度快、 施工工艺成熟,相比其他型式的重力式码头,还具有建设投资较小等优点。在 20世纪六七十年代,由于受到起重能力的限制,扶壁结构一般只用于高度10 米左右的中小型码头。近年来,我国一些 35,000 吨级的码头也使用了扶壁结构,使用状况良好。80364
Abstract Buttressed Quay Wall in is widely used in South China , It has a simple structure , Construction speed, the advantages of construction process , Compared with other gravity-type Wharf , Project investment in the province。 60~70 during the era , due to the limitation of lifting capacity , buttressed structure used for high wall 10m Small and medium sized terminals。 In recent years , South China some 3。5 ton pier buttresses structure , used in good condition。
Dalian port is located in the southernmost tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, the location, and Japan and South Korea are in close proximity, port wide depth of good, does not freeze in winter, more than million-ton freighters year-round access。 Dalian port in Northeast China as our economic hinterland, Northeast and South China and Northeast Asian countries communication portal, is also the most important comprehensive foreign trade port in Northeast China。
This design includes the various data collection Terminal, port general layout design, structure, selection and determination, load calculations, stability calculations, calculation of bearing capacity calculation and settlement of each component。 First Terminal according to the related projects address the General plane layout, and shipping information, and hydrological conditions as a basis for the calculation of flow force, marine force, earth pressure loads, and then stability and ultimate bearing capacity calculation。 Structures meet the requirements using CAD software Terminal structure of the diagram of the section, so that the whole design more rational and complete。
Key words:Buttressed Quay Wall;Dalian Port;20000 ton;Structure calculation
1。绪论 1
1。1我国港口发展现状 1
1。3大连港概况 2
2。设计资料 4
2。1设计需求 4
2。2自然条件 4
2。2。1地理位置 4
2。2。2气象 4
2。2。3水文泥沙 5
2。2。4工程地质 6