    关键字: 电器零售业;电子商务;信息化转型;因素分析
    The factor analysis of informationization transformation of traditional appliances retailing
    Abstract:With the rapid development of the modern society and the arrival of information age, traditional appliances retailing faced an unprecedented challenge in cost such as rental、manpower、logistics etc. It is extremely urgent for traditional appliances retailing to do some informationization transformation. This text quotes a large amount of relevant documents and materials at first. Have summed up 20 factors subsequently according to document data,whose factor has many aspect, including the core capability of enterprise、informatization factor、the factors of competition in the industry and the trust factor etc. Compiled a influence factor questionnaire which is suitable for the informationization transformation of traditional appliances retailing . Having carried on the sample investigation to a electrical appliances retail stores in Shanghai. Using questionnaire survey method according to the questionnaire data with the tools of analysis spss18.0 factor analysis and regression analysis to get the conclusion. And put forward some Suggestions for traditional electronics retailing according to these factors, Hope to help troubled appliances retailing.

    Keywords: Appliances Retailing; E-business; Informationization Transformation; Factor Analysis
    目    录
    一、    研究目的与意义    1
    二、    文献综述    1
    三、    研究的模型与假设    4
    3.1 研究架构    4
    3.2 研究变量    5
    3.2.1 变量定义    5
    四、    研究的方法与研究设计    9
    4.1 问卷设计与回收流程    9
    4.2 研究对象    9
    4.3 数据分析方法    10
    4.3.1 因子分析    10
    4.3.2 主成分分析    10
    五、    研究的过程与结果    11
    5.1 共同性检查    11
    5.2 方差贡献率检验    12
    5.3 取样适当性(KMO)检验    12
    5.4 显示为转轴前的因素矩阵    13
    5.5 分析转轴后的因素载荷图    13
    5.6 因素陡坡检查    14
    5.7 分析转轴后的因素矩阵    14
    优尔、研究的结论    15
    6.1 信度分析    15
    6.2 效度分析    15
    6.3 因子分析    16
    6.4 总结分析    16
    6.5 研究的局限    18
    6.6 未来研究方向    18
    参考文献    20
    致    谢    22
    附录: 电器零售业信息化转型的因素调研问卷    23
    图  目  录
    图3.1 企业信息化转型影响因素架构图(资料来源:本研究整理)    4
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